How Various Body Area Liposuction Surgery Changes Your Look?

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Milan Doshi
Best Plastic Surgeon Dr Milan Doshi Indian Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
MUHS -faculty aesthetic surgery
ISAPS Mentor
11000+ Cosmetic Surgery
3600+ Liposuction Surgery

Where on the body can i get liposuction

CPT Code and Description about Liposuction Body areas:

CPT Code CPT Description ICD -9 Procedure
15876 Suction assisted lipectomy; head and neck 8683
15877 trunk 8683
15878 upper extremity 8683
15879 lower extremity 8683

Ideal Abdominal Shape

  • The hour-glass shape of the abdomen in women and V-shaped in men is considered as an ideal abdomen shape.
  • When less fat presence at abdomen areas underlying the muscles and body anatomy gets visible and prominent with central vertical groove and laterally muscles border needs cosmetic or medical attention.
  • Male have transverse serrations due to underlying muscles, which is noticed as 6 or 8 packs.
  • The umbilicus is centrally placed, which is vertical in males and oval in the female.
  • In female waistline is just above the umbilical level

Abdomen Protrudes due to the accumulation of the following things:

  • Fat
  • Fluids
  • Flatus
  • Faeces
  • Foetus
  • Fatal growth
  • Loss of muscles tone and stretching of skin leads to distortion of the abdominal shape

Here we are discussing the effect of fat accumulation at abdomen:

  1. Somatic Fat :Fat between skin and muscles which comes in pinch is called pinchable fat, which is amenable to liposuction.
  2. Fat In Viscera Or Surrounding Viscera, Deep To Muscle :It doesn’t come in pinch or known as non-pinchable fat, which is not amenable to liposuction or body contouring procedure.

Here we are discussing specific points for Abdominal Liposuction:

Following are the effect of abdominal fat accumulation:

  • Normal abdominal anatomy becomes shaded
  • One can experience loss of shape or contour of the body
  • Lower abdominal gets tire and love handle appears
  • Protrusion of abdomen results in the pot belly
  • Pendulous or toneless abdomen results in hanging panniculus or fatty tissue on the lower abdomen or over the patient’s midsection and may be mistaken for hernia or tumor
  • Difficulty in bending, flexibility, and mobility
  • Affect personal hygiene
  • Increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, sleep apnea, and snoring
  • Affect self-confidence and self-esteem
  • A limited selection of clothes
  • Affect personal relationship
  • Affect socialization
  • Affect professional career as well


When a person lies down abdomen remains protruding if visceral fat is there, on the other hand, when the pinchable or amenable fat is there the abdomen becomes flat. Visceral fat responds to weight loss surgery.

While raising test shows the divarication of recti muscle and tone of abdominal muscle which may require tummy tuck.

If needed sonography and CT scan can help to assess the thickness of the pinchable fat layer or any associate abdominal condition.

Abdomen Liposuction


  • Stomach Liposuction
  • Lipoplasty
  • 360 Degree Liposuction
  • Circumferential Liposuction When Love Handle Or Back Liposuction Done Together
  • Liposulpting
  • Stomach Fat Removal
  • 4d Liposuction
  • Vaser-assisted High Definition Liposculpting(Vahdls)

Abdominal Liposuction Surgery:

There are various techniques & technology of liposuction.

Some specific points for Abdominal Lipoplasty are as follows:

  • A daycare procedure
  • Local or general anesthesia with sedation
  • 1-2 hours’ time is required to perform abdominal liposuction
  • Surgery is done in a supine position
  • A tiny keyhole incision in groin fold, and deep into umbilical leads to virtual scarless healing
  • Vaser liposuction is called Liposelection or VAHDLS or 4D is preferable
  • Laser liposuction gives good skin tightening.

The Benefit of abdominal liposuction:

  1. Weight Loss: Mega liposuction or large volume liposuction removes a large amount of fat, which enhances one’s self-confidence that further supports a healthy lifestyle of the person.
  2. Inch Loss Liposuction: It removes a localized fat deposit, which is not responding to the exhaustive diet or gym. Back liposuction along with abdomen is called 360-degree liposuction gives hourglass figure in female and V-shaped torso in males.
  3. Sculpting Of The Abdomen
  4. 4 D Liposuction/Vaser Assisted High Definition Liposculpting(VAHDLS): If a person has a toned up body and follows an athlete lifestyle, but underlying anatomy is not visible, 4D liposuction carved out the underlying anatomy. The artistic revelation of anatomy is enhanced by a fat transplant whenever it is required.
  5. Extracted fat can be used to Augment breast, butt (Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL) or face rejuvenation
  6. Reduces the risk of obesity, heart diseases, sleep apnea, snoring, and improper health abnormalities
  7. Improves metabolism and diabetes results in a healthy body
  8. Improve the control of PCOS and acts as a treatment for obesity-induced infertility
  9. Acts as a beginning of healthcare regime booster plan
  10. Improves bending, the flexibility of the body as well as the mobility.
  11. Improves personal hygiene and personal relationship
  12. Improves selection of clothes and enhances self-grooming
  13. Improve socialization & professional career as well
  14. Enhance self-confidence and a positive attitude towards life

Ideal Hip/Love-Handle Shape

  • The ideal abdomen shape in women is hourglass, whereas in men is V-shape.
  • Butt start at the pelvic bone edge in female while at a little lower level in male.
  • Lower back muscles are visible and sacral dimple is visible on both paramedian position.

Lower Back Shape Depends On The Following Factors:

  • Amount of fat accumulation at hip, butt, and thigh
  • Muscles tone and underlying boney structure, i.e., the height of the patient, height of the waist, the boney pelvis would be, either narrow or wide, tall or short (Gynaecoid or android)


Accumulation of fat at the lower back is also called as love handles, muffin tops, or Dunlap’s disease.

Here We Are Discussing Specific Point For Lovehandle Liposuction

Effect Of Fat Accumulation At Love Handle:

  • Normal LOWER BACK anatomy becomes invisible.
  • One can experience loss of shape or contour of the body.
  • Waistline starts becoming less defined.
  • Lower abdominal tire and love handle appears.
  • When there is a large amount of fat it will merge with butt results in a bigger and ptotic butt or exaggerate riding beaches or saddlebags.
  • Some recent studies indicated that carrying a separate tire or excessive fat deposits may double a person’s risk of premature death, either from cardiovascular diseases or complications related to weight gain such as type-2 diabetes.
  • Affect self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • A limited selection of clothes.
  • Affect personal relationship
  • Affect socialization
  • Affect professional life as well.


  • Clinical examination shows the amount of fat and extra skin.
  • The underlying bony assessment gives a fair idea about the expected result.
  • The various physical movement shows the border of the accumulated fat
  • When one is planning lower abdomen one should also see butt and thigh area as a unit for contouring
  • If needed sonography and CT scan can help to assess the thickness of the pinchable fat layer.

 Hip liposuction Surgery Cost

Lovehandle/Hip Liposuction



360 Degree Liposuction, Circumferential Liposuction: When Abdomen And Upper Back Liposuction Done Together.

Liposulpting, 4d Liposuction, Vaser Assisted High-definition Liposculpting (VAHDLS)

Abdominal Liposuction Surgery:

There are various techniques& technology of liposuction.

Some Specific Points For Love Handle Lipoplasty As Follows:

  • A daycare procedure
  • Local or general anesthesia with sedation
  • 1-2 hours’ time is required to perform Abdominal Liposuction
  • Surgery is done in a prone position
  • 2 tiny keyhole incision in below butt and hip junction line on each side. Virtual scarless healing. The same incision is used for butt and lateral thigh liposuction
  • Vaser liposuction is called Liposelection or VAHDLS or 4D is done to sculpt the lower back
  • LASER LIPOSUCTION gives good skin tightening.

The Benefit of Lovehandle Liposuction:

  1. Weight Loss: Mega liposuction or large volume liposuction remove a large amount of fat, which enhances a person’s self-confidence and boosts morale and a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Inch Loss Liposuction: It removes a localized fat deposit, which is not responding to the exhaustive diet or gym. Back liposuction along with abdomen is called 360-degree liposuction gives hourglass figure in female and V-shaped in males.
  3. Sculpting Of The Lowerback
  4. 4 D Liposuction/ Vaser Assisted High Definition Liposculpting (VAHDLS): If a person has a toned up body and follow an athlete lifestyle, but underlying anatomy is not visible, 4D liposculpting carved out the underlying anatomy. The artistic revelation of anatomy is enhanced by a fat transplant whenever it is required.
  5. Extracted fat can be used to augment breast, butt (BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT, BBL) or face rejuvenation
  6. Improve health and reduces the risk of obesity, heart diseases, sleep apnea, and snoring.
  7. Improve metabolism and diabetes results in a healthy body
  8. Improve the control of PCOS and acts as a treatment for obesity-induced infertility
  9. Acts as a beginning of healthcare regime booster plan
  10. Improves selection of clothes & self-grooming and also socialization
  11. It Improve personal relationship and professional life as well
  12. Enhance self-confidence and positivity towards life

Ideal Arm Shape

Generally, arm shape in women is like a thin cylindrical and tapered at elbow level, which is in proportion to the body, which enhances the female body with a softer and delicate look. On the other hand, males have a heavy arm with good muscle mass with a well-defined muscle.

Arm Shape Depends On The Following Factors:

Amount of fat accumulation at shoulder, upper back, muscle mass, tone of muscles, underlying boney structure, i.e., length & diameter of the bone, amount & quality of the skin.


Accumulation Of Large Amount Of Fat With Extra skin At Arm Called As Bat’s Wing

Effect Of Fat Accumulation At Arm:

  • Fat accumulation at arm may be isolated or associated with the upper back or maybe a part of generalizing weight gain.
  • Normal arm muscular anatomy becomes invisible.
  • One can experience loss of shape or contour of the arm.
  • There is a fat bulge above the elbow in resting position.
  • The arm looks heavy & flabby.
  • When there is a large amount of fat, axillary fold comes at a lower level.
  • Affect self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • A limited selection of clothes as one’s get difficulty in wearing sleeves.
  • Affect personal relationship
  • Affect socialization
  • Affect professional life as well.

Arm liposuction Surgery Cost

Underlying structure assessment gives a fair idea about the expected result. When one keeps arm by side and tighten underlying muscles. A pinch test gives a fair idea about the amount of removable fat as well as the amount of hanging skin, which indicates the presence of extra skin.

The various physical movement shows the amount of muscle mass. When someone plans the arm contouring they should also consider the shoulder and upper back area.

Arm Liposuction


  • Lipoplasty
  • Liposculpting, 4D liposuction, VASER-ASSISTED high-definition liposuction (VAHDLS)
  • Arm Fat Liposuction, Arm Fat Removal

Arm Liposuction Surgery:

There are various techniques& technology are available to perform liposuction.

Some specific points for Arm Lipoplasty:

  • A daycare procedure
  • Local anesthesia with sedation OR General anesthesia
  • Cosmetic surgery time 1-2 hours’
  • Cosmetic surgery is preferred in a prone position that also can be done in a supine position. INCISIONS: 2 tiny keyhole incision, one at the axillary crease and another one at elbow crease on back. When shoulder liposuction is planned together one tiny incision is placed at deltoid insertion leads to virtual scarless healing.
  • Vaser liposuction is called liposelection or VAHDLS or 4D is done to sculpt the arm & shoulder. LASER LIPOSUCTION gives good skin tightening.

The Benefit of Arm Liposuction:

  1. Weight Loss:When arm liposuction combines with other areas known as mega liposuction or large volume liposuction, which removes a large amounts of fat. It enhances one’s self-confidence, morale that further improves the healthy lifestyle of a person
  2. Inch Loss: Liposuction removes localized fat deposits, which is not responding to the exhaustive diet or gym. Almost 70-80% pinchable fat can be removed in one session gives a great difference in the size of the patient’s arm. Arm along with shoulder and upper back liposuction thinned out heavy upper body.
  3. Sculpting Of The Lowerback
  4. 4 D Liposuction/Vaser Assisted High Definition Liposculpting(VAHDLS): If a person has a toned up body and follow an athlete lifestyle, but underlying anatomy is not visible, 4D liposculpting carved out underlying anatomy. The artistic revelation of anatomy is enhanced by a fat transplant whenever it is required.
  5. Extracted fat can be used to augment breast, butt (Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL) or face rejuvenation
  6. Improve health and reduces the risk of obesity, heart diseases, sleep apnea, and snoring. Improves metabolism and diabetes results in a healthy body
  7. Improve the control of PCOS and act as a treatment for obesity-induced infertility
  8. Acts as a beginning of healthcare regime booster plan
  9. Enhance self-confidence and a positive attitude towards life
  10. Improve the selection of clothes and self-grooming
  11. Improve personal relationship
  12. Improve socialization
  13. Improve professional life as well.

About the process

Ideally a healthy diet and exercise should keep off those extra pounds from our body. However, many times no matter how much we try, it gets even more difficult to remove those extra fats from some of the specific areas. Stubborn fats from lower back areas refuse to go away. Fat on your back can prevent you from wearing your favorite clothes and you are required to make custom-made clothes. In such situations, back fat liposuction seems to be the easiest way to keep that extra pouch from your body away.

What is the procedure

Liposuction from the back and waist are usually performed with combination with liposuction of the abdomen as well as other areas. The process of Lipostructure is used to remove the extra bulges from the back, which respond well to the patients of all ages. The liposuction removes the stubborn fat that becomes resistant to normal diet and exercises.

The process of surgery starts with after giving anesthesia to the patients. After that, the suction tube is inserted through the incision made, usually incision is made in inconspicuous areas. Tumescent liposuction is an injection of the composite fluid that is being used in the surgery to reduce the bleeding and facilitating liposuction.  The surgical process is used to conceal the bumps in your back.

Candidate for Back Fat Liposuction

All candidates of back fat liposuction should have a good health and should not be extremely overweight. As you consider surgery, one should debate whether they are in good health to stand the surgery. Although, the recovery is quick but proper doctor’s advice and medication should be followed for the surgery to heal in no time.

Recovery of Back Fat Liposuction

The recovery period of the back liposuction process is quite quick. However, the patient will have to take proper rest and care after the surgery. Proper diet should be followed. Some patients may have to wear a compressing garment while in bed. After surgery, the patient might feel a little pain and soreness, which is quite normal and will fade away in matter of some weeks.

At Liposuction Center- Alluremedspa, The surgery will help you to achieve the figure that you always wanted. You no longer will have to deal with unseemly fat on your back. An experienced Cosmetic Surgeon like Dr. Milan Doshi will help you to regain the confidence and feel beautiful all over again.

liposuction Surgery Cost

Fat Accumulation at Butt


Steatopygia: -When the fat accumulation of butt exaggerated with lumbar Lordosis, it is called Steatopygia.

Fat accumulation at butt leads to an extensive protuberance and thickness of the entire buttocks. when It gets visible, which leads to embarrassing situations. In the case of hyperlordosis, the protrusion is anteroposterior and exaggerated by the patient’s body attitude. It is also called steatopygia.

The deformitystarts at the lumbar area and ends up at the gluteal creaseoften making the crease deeper and more exaggerated.The gluteal fold changes its direction goingoutwards and downwards instead of upwards, or evensometimes not existing at all.

While in some thin patient or in the Caucasian the buttocks seem to have developed greater than the remaining body.

When deformity persists skin develops cellulite

Other causes of the deformity are age, postpartum obesityand generalized glandular problems such as myxedema.

Effect of Fat Accumulation at Butt

  • Butt becomes protuberant
  • Associated with lordosis it looks more protuberant
  • Gluteal fold becomes more protuberant and goes outward and downward
  • Sometimes associated with the trochanteric fat leads disappearance of the gluteal fold.

When fat is excessively developed and butt skin and cellulite become prominent:

  • It affects self-confidence and self-esteem
  • A limited selection of clothes
  • You start avoiding sleeve clothes
  • Affect personal relationship
  • Affect socialization
  • Affect one’s professional career as well.


Usually, clinical assessment is enough to know about the amount of extra fat. The patient should be examined in standing position and also after standing on toe’s. Cellulite denotes poor skin and so one may require skin excision surgery.


As such, there is no contraindication for Butt liposuction except medical fitness.

Butttock Liposuction


Lipoplasty, Liposculpting, 4D Liposuction, Vaser-assisted high-definition Liposuction (VAHDLS).

Buttock Liposuction Surgery:

There are various technologies and techniques of liposuction. You can find the detail on the liposuction page.

Some Specific Points for Buttock Liposuction/lipoplasty:

  • A daycare procedure
  • Local anesthesia with sedation or a general anesthesia
  • Duration of the surgery is 1-2 hours’
  • Surgery is preferred in a prone position, which can be done in supine as well
  • Incisions: 2 tiny keyhole incisions, one at the axillary crease and one at elbow crease on the back are done. When shoulder liposuction is planned together, one tiny incision is placed at deltoid insertion results in virtual scarless healing.
  • Vaser liposuction is known as Liposelection or VAHDLS or 4D is done to sculpt the buttock.
  • Laser liposuction gives better skin tightening.

The Benefit of Buttock Liposuction:

  1. Weight Loss: When buttock liposuction is combined with other areas, mega liposuction or large volume liposuction removes a large amount of fat, which boosts the morale of a person following a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Inch Loss: Liposuction removes localized fat deposits, which is not responding to the exhaustive diet or gym. Approximate 70-80% pinch-able fat can be removed in one session, which gives a great difference in butt size. The butt with hip, saddlebag, and heavy lower body can be effectively thinned out with liposuction.
  3. Butt Sculpting: 4D Liposuction/VASER-assisted high-definition liposuction (VAHDLS). When a person has a toned-up body and an athlete lifestyle, but underlying anatomy is not visible, 4D liposuction carved out underlying anatomy and fat can be transplanted into lateral depression when it is required most.
  4. Extracted fat can be used to augment breast, or face rejuvenation
  5. Improve health and reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, sleep apnea, and snoring
  6. Improves metabolism and diabetes results in a healthy body
  7. Effectively control PCOS and acts as a treatment for obesity-induced infertility
  8. Acts as a beginning of healthcare regime booster plan
  9. Enhance self-confidence and a positive attitude towards life
  10. Improve the selection of clothes and self-grooming attitude
  11. Improve personal relationship
  12. Improve socialization
  13. Improve one’s professional career as well.

About the Process

Some people complain of heavy bulky thigh. Although other body parts are quite toned, the thigh is the major problem area. They shy away from wearing any kind of short dresses and keep their thighs covered. The body looks quite disproportionate. Huge inner thigh may be the result of hormonal changes that is taking place in the body, unhealthy eating, or lack of exercises. However, for some people, the exercises and the healthy dieting might not help and the liposuction is the only way that is left.

Dr. Milan Doshi, a well-known Plastic surgeon might help those person to solve their distress. A free consultation with Dr. Doshi will help you to determine the problem areas and you can discuss about the benefits and the risk that is involved with the surgery at Alluremedspa. Although the risk is quite negligible, some people complain of some health worries. For such people Dr. Doshi will suggest the type of surgeries that they can undertake so that risk is subsided.

What is the Procedure

Inner thighs liposuction should be performed by well experienced Cosmetic surgeons. In the process, the excess fat cells are removed from the thigh area to reduce the volume and give it a slender shape.

The procedure is like any other Liposuction procedure where a large amount of diluted local anesthetic and Adrenalin are installed in the body to melt away the excess fat at Liposuction Center- Alluremedspa. A small incision is made  on the upper and inner layer of the thigh and a vacuum suction tube is inserted to remove the fats from the area. A suction tube creates vacuum in the area that results in sucking out the fat cells through this tube.

The success of the procedure depends on the elasticity of the skin, however a person of any age group can go ahead with the surgery. In the process, the knee fat is targeted.

Benefits of Inner Thighs Liposuction:

Benefits of Inner Thigh Liposuction is innumerable. You will definitely get the thigh you desired for. The side effects are next to zero. There is no complexity involved. However, you will be advised by the doctor to follow his instructions and undergo light exercises and take proper meals to maintain the structure. You might experience a bit of pain or soreness post-surgery but that will go away within a week or ten days.

The inner thigh liposuction will help you to maintain a proper contouring of the thigh and healthy and tight skin.

About the process

If you are overweight or due to some hormonal changes you gain weight, the outer thigh accumulates most of the fat. The excess fat from the outer thigh is most difficult to shed. In most cases, a person try every measure from exercise, dieting, popping of pills to cut that extra fat. Nothing seems to help. On top of it, ugly comments from friends and relative add to the woes. If nothing is helping you out, one can opt for Saddlebag liposuction or Outer thigh liposuction.

It is important to consult a Cosmetic Surgeon before proceeding with the Liposuction surgery. A surgeon will able to give accurate information regarding the surgery benefits, the risk involved, the recovery period, and many more. Alluremedspa, which is located at the heart of Mumbai, conducts these type of surgery with much care and exactitude.

Mr. Doshi’s Allure Medspa boast of high profile clientele from the host of well-known  superstars from the film industry. The responses are always positive, therefore Dr. Doshi maintains the number one position as a Plastic Surgeon.

liposuction Surgery Cost

What is Outer Thighs Liposuction Procedure

Your surgeon will examine you on certain factors considering your amount, thickness, and location of fat distributed on the outer thigh area. The fat deposits in the hip area depends from person to person. Tropical anesthesia will be infused during the course of the surgery to reduce any discomfort or pain. With a cannula the extra fat will be extracted from the thigh area, where incision is made. After suctioning out the extra fat, you can immediately see the difference. The volume of you thigh will get smaller, thus giving it a more toned and slim look at Liposuction Center.

However, to enjoy a permanent result, certain care and dedication towards your diet should be followed. Doctors advise should be taken seriously. You can even wear a pressure garment so that any form of pain, swelling is reduced. You will get the final result after a month of the surgery.

About the process

Buffalo Hump is a fat deposited under the skin in the upper neck and back area. It is also known as the Dorsocervical fat pad. The Buffalo Hump can lead to contour deformities. During severe cases, it can even limit the person to extend their head and neck. Some form of diseases such as Cushing’s and other diseases are the reasons for causing buffalo humps. Prolonged use of certain steroids such as prednisone, cotisone, hydrocortisone; extreme obesity can cause the buffalo hump.

The buffalo hump tissue is composed of fibrous fatty tissue that can be painful and is firm to touch. The good news is that the buffalo hump can be treated and you can be free from this distress forever. The buffalo hump liposuction can dramatically reduce the hump from the back of your shoulder.

Based on your clinical consultation with your Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Milan Doshi at Liposuction Center- Alluremedspa, various modalities of liposuction will be suggested. A well experience surgeon like Dr. Milan Doshi will be able to employ various possibilities and risks involved with the liposuction. The most commonly used form of Liposuction are ultrasonic liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, Tumescent liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction. Based on your body type, age, and other health woes, Dr. Doshi will suggest you the process of the surgery.

What is the Procedure

If the area is quite large, the Vaser Liposuction will be conducted. In the process, a small probe is made through a incision between the layer of the skin and muscle area. At Alluremedspa, local anesthesia along with a saline solution is infused into the area to be traded. The saline substance resonate at high frequency emitting sound waves that breaks away the excess fat cells in the area. The fat cells is suctioned out by inserting a cannula in the area giving optimal body sculpting.

Benefits of Buffalo Hump Liposuction

The main benefit of this Liposuction is that the result is quicker and the side effects are minimal. The discomfort is usually mild and with intense care and medications, the pain and soreness will dramatically reduce in a matter of certain weeks. After undergoing this surgery, you can lead a comfortable life and patients who have lost sense of motion can now walk in a perfectly upright manner.

About the process

Child bearing, sometimes weight gain, and hormonal changes tend to change the structures of a women’s body.  A women’s breast is considered to be the most attractive part of the body, but sometimes after child birth or weight gain, it becomes heavy and drooping. Excessively large breast causes pain, backache, physical impairment and physiological problems. Chronic pressure from bra straps can put pressure on the shoulders. Women with large breast are sensitive to yeast infection of the skin areas where the skin rubs together, such as beneath the breast and between the breasts.

What is the procedure

The process during the breast liposuction uses general anesthesia to make you fall asleep throughout the procedure. Incisions are made around the nipple area known as areola. The incision is made from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast or horizontally beneath the breast, following the natural curve of the breast crease. The excessive breast tissue is removed without damaging the muscle and other glands. The use of microcannulas during breast reduction comes with the advantage of minimal post operative pain, quick post operative recovery, no visible scarring. The patient can return to their normal chores in no time.

The breast liposuction can reduce the size of an over sized breast by up to 50 percent at our Liposuction Center– Alluremedspa. The breast is also lifted to give it a proper shape and firmness. The breast lift is the result of the removal of the excess fat tissues that gives it natural elastic properties to contract and produce elevation. The breast shape does not change after liposuction but becomes smaller and elevated.

Candidate for Breast Liposuction

Results of the breast liposuction vary depending on the various body types, age, and other factors. Some women are likely to have better results than others. The best candidate for Liposuction is a woman who has large deposits of fats in the breast area. Women who have passed through menopause typically will have breast that contain large proportion of fat than a women who is at a young stage. For thin young woman who has a breast containing more glandular breast tissue with little fat are often not good candidate for liposuction. Thin women with large breast have more glandular tissue rather than fats, which will not produce significant result with liposuction.

liposuction Surgery Cost