Home » Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery: Benefits, Types, Safety, Recovery in Mumbai, India

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Milan Doshi
best tummy tuck surgeon in india, dr milan doshi Indian Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
MUHS -faculty aesthetic surgery
ISAPS Mentor
11000+ Cosmetic Surgery
1100+ Tummy Tuck Surgery

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?


Abdominoplasty, Tummy tuck, Abdominal contouring, Abdominal lift, Waistline sculpting, Stomach surgery, Belly tuck, Tummy tightening. lipoabdominoplasty

  • Are you suffering from baby bump and loose skin with stretch mark after pregnancy?
  • Are you suffering from hanging skin after significant loss of weight?
  • Do you have pendulous abdomen affecting your daily routine?
  • Does it affect your personal and social life?
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) 991,361 procedures in 2021(+29.5% increase compared to 2020).
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) Surgical procedures for women 904,846 in 2021.
  • 24,096 Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery have been performed in India.

Even with regular exercise and diets protocols, you are not able to get back your sculpted figure. Tummy tuck procedure might be chosen as a savior. The procedure is also termed as abdominoplasty

There are the types of tummy tuck surgeries to get your desired abdominal look with minimal extent of the surgery. It starts from i.e., Mini Tummy Tuck, Standard Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Extended Tummy Tuck, and Circumferential Tummy Tuck (belt plasty/ lower body lift), Dermolipectomy and Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck.

Expert Dr. Milan Doshi in Allure Medspa, Mumbai is well known for giving natural looking abdominal shape safely. He combines latest technology of VASER liposuction with tummy tuck which is called as lipoabdominoplasty. When a tummy tuck is combined with back liposuction, it is also called Torsoplasty or 360 degree lipoabdominoplasy to give hour glass figure or “V” shape torso.

Related Links: Mommy Makeover Surgery | Body Lift Surgery| Liposuction Surgery   

In last few years the Lipoabdominoplasty surgery has given consistently given improvised results as well as a faster and safe recovery worldwide.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Images in Mumbai, India

Concern: Extra Large Pendulous Abdomen
Surgery: Extended Lipoabdominoplasty

Tummy Tuck Surgery Before and After Pictures in Mumbai, India

Concern: Medium Protruding Abdomen
Surgery: 360 Degree and Extended Lipoabdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty Before and After Gallery in Mumbai, India

Concern: Medium Protruding Abdomen
Surgery: 360 Degree and Extended Lipoabdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty Surgery Before and After Photos in Mumbai, India

Concern: Medium Protruding Abdomen
Surgery: 360 Degree and Extended Lipoabdominoplasty


See More Than 100 Tummy Tuck Images

Dr Milan Doshi is describing the Tummy Tuck Surgery in detail with benefits, candidacy, associated risks and significance

Read Our Blog: Comparison Between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

some facts about tummy tuck surgery: anesthesia, pain level, success rate, diet, result

Time Required 2-5 Hours
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Pain Level Moderate, well managed with medicine
Hospital Stay 1-2 days
Flyback 5-7 Days
Success Rate Very High
Result Major difference visible immediately Final result 6 to 8 months
Diet No restriction, maintain your weight for best result
Complication Less than 1 – 2%
Cost Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,50,000

Body ContouringTummy tuck benefits - fat removal, body contouring, improved posture and confidence

Abdominoplasty you get a curvaceous abdominal shape. Advance modification of tummy tuck gives simultaneous lifting of the Mons pubis (genitalthigh, and butt are conducted.

Permanent Fat Removal

Liposuction is a part of Lipo-abdominoplasty removes the fat permanently.

Improving posture

It improves exaggerated curve of back and improve the posture.

Improving Health

For the overweight or obese patients, it is a good way to start for a new healthy lifestyle. When Abdominoplasty result is maintained with a healthy lifestyle accentuate further weight loss and will improve your overall health.

Enhancing Other Body Parts

Once liposuction is performed on one area of your body, you can get a fat transfer to enhance another area, a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) or want to enlarge your breast, nano fat graft is used for facial rejuvenation and structural fat graft to improve facial features. You can do it with the fat transfer instead of opting for any kind of implants. It is a much safer method.

Improving your hygeine

Skin fold are removed, so, skin condition in crevices improves.  Cleaning and personal hygiene improves.

Improving your confidence

You feel good once you are back to original shape, your self-confidence increases

Improving your grooming

You can have wider choice of grooming and clothing

Improving your social life

You are ready to intermingle socially. It boosts your social life and carrier

Improving your private life

It boost your private life

You may be a candidate for abdominoplasty surgery if you:

  • Have a persistent baby bump or lower abdominal POOCH after pregnancy
  • Have separated and weak abdominal muscles which could be a result of pregnancy or due to excess weight gain or loss.
  • Have a saggy and loose abdominal skin.
  • Have thin inelastic skin with multiple stretch marks
  • Are unable to lose weight with exercise and diet from the front and sides of the abdomen.
  • Now maintaining stable weight.
  • Physically fit to undergo surgery.
  • Family is completed.
  • Have realistic expectations from the abdominoplasty surgery
  • You are mentally prepared for surgery and recovery

It is very necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results of the procedure.

  • It leaves a cut mark below bikini line. However modern medical treatment can make it inconspicuous. It you love tattoo. You can hide it with beautiful tattoo.
  • It can remove lower stretch mark only depending on amount of extra skin. Upper abdominal stretchmarks will come at lower level which can be hide easily. Fractional co2 laser and PRP treatment help to improve stretch marks.
  • Visceral fat can not be removed during tummy tuck surgery.
  • One has to maintain healthy lifestyle for long tern good result

  • Skin Changes

During pregnancy or rapid weight gain skin stretches very fast without getting time to accommodate new condition. Collagen get over stretched and elastin fibers gets ruptured. Skin become thin and develop stretchmarks. Initially stretch marks are red and with time turn to white or pale.When person reduce the weight or deliver the baby, skin retracts to certain extent but doesn’t come to the normal condition and stretch mark remain forever.

  • Fat Distribution Changes

During pregnancy there is a lot of increase in the female hormone in the circulation. Because of the hormonal changes lot of fat accumulate at and around the abdomen. during the massive weight gain there is a lot of fat accumulation take place. This fat is stubborn and don’t go after delivery or even after losing significant weight.

There is also accumulation of the fat in the liver or surrounding vital organ in the abdomen Therefore, the potbelly cannot be improved with the lipoabdominoplasty. Visceral fat reduces only when one follows a healthy lifestyle.

  • Muscle Changes

As part of normal anatomy, there is a fine line (linea alba) between the two vertical rectus muscles in the front of the abdomen. These are the muscles that create a six-pack when well developed. Oblique muscles are attached laterally and go up to the back. The stretching of the abdominal wall occurs as a result of the natural transformation that occurs during pregnancy or after a major weight loss. But, in some women, the linea alba between the two muscles stretches and does not return to the normal and this is called diastasis recti. This stretching of oblique muscle makes the abdomen more protruding and pouch develops in the lower abdomen.

As every patient structure is different and everyone has a different goal for the tummy tuck surgery. Personalised consultation helps to define your goal and outcomes of the tummy tuck surgery. At the time of consultation, you are free to ask questions with your plastic surgeon and he will answer your every query related to your Tummy tuck surgery.

You come to know about: –

  • Is tummy tuck for you or not?
  • Is it safe for you?
  • What is there specifically for you in terms of tummy tuck surgery type, duration of surgery.
  • The realistic goal and achievable outcomes of the abdominoplasty surgery
  • Lipoabdominoplasty surgery risk & recovery
  • Preoperative preparation and post-operative care for the tummy tuck surgery.
  • Total cost of your tummy tuck surgery.
  • What is your comfort level with the liposuction surgery?

To get best from your tummy tuck surgery consultation

It is good to make a list of important questions before proceeding for the consultation step. So you won’t miss addressing any of your concerns. The patient care coordinator is always there to help you.

You should give a brief your cosmetic surgeon about:

  1. Your area of concern
  2. What result you expect as you can take representative photographs
  3. Your obstrect or child birth history
  4. Your weight gain, weight loss history
  5. Your lifestyle including diet habit and physical activity
  6. Any medical conditions & medical treatments
  7. Any supplements such as vitamins, fat burner, herbal treatments or nutritional supplements
  8. Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, and drug uses,
  9. Drug allergies
  10. Previous surgeries, particularly body contouring surgery.
  11. Your surgical goals, you can take your end goal photographs for reference.

Your tummy tuck surgeon will evaluate the following:

  • Fat distribution in the area of your concern.
  • Skin quality
  • Underlying muscle tone
  • Your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.

Tummy tuck surgeon will discuss:

  • Your surgery options, which is best tummy tuck type to achieve your goal.
  • May mark on your body to explain the extent of the tummy tuck surgery. like area of liposuction, amount of skin will be removed expected length of scar and its location
  • Tummy tuck surgery result and recovery
  • Will show tummy tuck surgery “before and after” photographs of his operated patients.
  • May take your photographs and show edited photos, help you to visualize achievable liposuction results.
  • Potential risks or complications.
  • Tummy tuck surgery cost for you.
  • Preoperative planning like fitness test and preoperative preparation.

Real time 3 d virtual consultation at Allure Medspa, Mumbai, India:

Now you can have consultation from comfort of your home. This saves lot of time and provides comfort. There is no need to travel just for consultation. Take your photographs as advised and mail to us. We create your 3 D image with crisalix software. We can share screen with you and you can see the real time edited changes. It gives you realistic idea, what look can be achieved by the tummy tuck surgery.

There are many variation and sub variations of tummy tuck surgery. It is the job of an expert cosmetic plastic surgeon to evaluate your tissue condition and plan best match surgery to give you desired abdominal shape

Plan for Tummy tuck surgery in men and women as both have different body structure

  • Mini Tummy Tuck / endoscopic tummy tuck
  • Standard/Traditional Tummy Tuck
  • Lipoabdominoplasty/Brazilian tummy tuck
  • Extended Tummy Tuck
  • Torsoplasty – 360 Degree Tummy Tuck
  • Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Belt Plasty, Lower Body Lift
  • Dermolipectomy/Panniculectomy
  • Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck

Type-1: Mini Tummy Tuck

For simplification,umbilicus is in centre of the abdomen, skin is there above and below it. When only skin below the umbilicus is extra, can be removed through the shorter scar. there would be no need for a scar around the umbilicus. A young post pregnantlady with good muscle tone and limited stretch mark is good candidate for mini tummy tuck surgery

If skin is in good condition, but muscle tone is weak, there is a need to plicate muscle up to chest bone. That can be done with the help of an endoscope, which is called endoscopic or endoscopic assisted abdominoplasty surgery.

When umbilicus is situated high on abdomen, very little skin is extra above the umbilicus, Floating Umbilicus technique can be applied without an umbilical surrounding scar. The umbilicus is detached from the underlying muscle and fixed at the new lower more appropriate location.

Mini tummy tuck or short scar is very attractive options but it has its own limitations. If performed without proper indication with only short scar motive, one may get awful result and regret in long term

Type-2: Standard Tummy Tuck/Full Tummy Tuck/Traditional Tummy Tuck

When a patient has a weakened abdominal muscle or they experience abdominal wall laxity, they may be a candidate for standard tummy tuck surgery.

First the skin cut is made low in the abdomen. Skin and fat undermined extensively. Wide skin flap is elevated till the chest bone. Diastasisof recti is repaired, the muscle edges are sutured together, thereby tucking in the loose abdominal wall. Sutures can also be placed on the facia of the abdominal oblique muscle of the abdominal wall to create a further tightening of the muscle and create the narrowness of the waist line.

Now skin is pulled down as much as possible and extra skin is cut. Free edge is sutured at l the lower ends. During this process, the extra skin along with stretch marks are removed maximally


  • Patient has to remain bend and walk bending for long time.
  • Comparatively large amount of fat stays back
  • chances of complication are more

With the advent of Advanced liposuction use of classical tummy tuck is gradually reducing

Type-3: Lipoabdominoplasty/Brazilian Tummy Tuck

Abdominal fat has two components one has those fat that occurs beneath the skin and above the muscles of the abdominal wall. This fat is known as “pinchable fat,” and another component is that fat that occurs beneath the abdominal muscles surrounding viscera known as visceral fat. Thus, non-pinchable and pinchable fat is removed with liposuction.

In lipoabdominoplasty, pinchable fat and somatic fat are removed with advance liposuction and only the central part of the skin flap is dissected for muscle tightening.

Advantages of the Lipoabdominoplasty over standard tummy tuck are as follows:

  • Fat is removed with advance liposuction results in a thinner abdomen.
  • Liposuction sculpts the abdomen gives the more contoured natural looking flat abdomen.
  • Skin slides better so more skin is excised.
  • Skin sliding with vascularity maintained and thus it is safer.
  • Scar can be planned at lower level quite below bikini line.
  • Skin is not under much tension so scar will heal faster.
  •  Scar will not widen with time as tension on scar line is less.
  • As the skin tightens over the time, so the resultant scar is short
  • A patient can walk straight on the same day, instead of bending unlike the standard tummy tuck
  • Mons pubis also repositioned a gets tighter at a youthful level.
  • Advanced technology such as Vaser “Liposelection” target only fat with a very minimal effect on the blood vessels, nerves, and structural tissues, which makes lipoabdominoplasty quite safer.
  • A variation is High tension lipoabdominoplasty also tightens thigh skin and gives thigh lift, but it has some limitations.

Lipoabdominoplasty Limitations

  1. Well expirience surgeon. One must be knowing from where to remove and where not to remove fat and where to stop liposuction.
  2. He must be very gentle to do suction.
  3. Use of advance liposuction technology like vaser cost more

Type-4: Extended Tummy Tuck

Normally tummy tuck incision extends from one hip bone to another one. As such no one wants a cut or surgery. But when there is extra skin on the lateral abdomen or a large amount of fat on laterally (big love handle), one has to extend the incisionbeyond hip to remove and tighten the abdominal skin, which is called an extended tummy tuck. Such tummy tuck surgery in man or woman also lifts the lateral thigh skin.

Type-5: Torsoplasty – 360 Degree Tummy Tuck

When lipoabdominoplasty is combined with liposuction of back, bra roll and hip area, it is called torsoplasty, which gives narrow waist line. One can get hourglass shape or “V” shape torso.

Type-6: Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Belt Plasty, Lower Body Lift

After massive weight loss or a large amounts of fat liposuction, there is evident extra skin on backside also. To remove this extra skin, an incision is made till back and meet each other in the mid line, which is called circumferential or belt lipectomy. It also tightens the lateral thigh skin and lifts the butt.

  1. Belt plasty

Incision of Circumferential torosoplastyis little up on hip. It gives better waist line but lowerbody or butt will not be lifted much.

  1. Lower body lift

Incision of Circumferential torosoplastyis comparatively lower levelIit lifts butt and lower body /thigh nicely. Trade of is waist line will be not as good as beltplasty.

Type-7: Dermolipectomy/Panniculectomy

When only the skin is loose and muscle tone is very good and rectii are attached to each other in the mid-line, there is no need to plicate muscle. Only skin excision is done, which is called dermolipectomy or the only skin abdominoplasty. As muscle is not tightened, recovery is very fast. So many men just require dermolipectomy.

Dermolipectomy is also performed in elderly or obese means less fit patient if they are disabled to take personal hygiene care because of hanging pendulum of abdomen.

Type-8: Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck

After massive weight loss skin is extra not only in a vertical dimension but also in a horizontal dimension. in such situation

When skin is too much in excess in a both dimension, It require excision in horizontal and vertical direction. the fleur de lis name is derived from this type of incision. After removing fat and tightening of muscle, the skin is excised in three petal shapes. One reaches up to breast bone and two going lateral around the hip bone. The skin is pulled down and centrally. The resultant incision is like an inverted “T” shape.

1. Preoperative Preparation:

You should be in your optimum health for a safe and smooth recovery

Once you decide to go ahead with surgery you are advised the following:

  1. Complete your body check-up test
  2. Any medical condition like diabetes or hypertension should be under control.
  3. Quite smoking as advised by surgeon
  4. Any nutritional support or on-counter medicineshould be stopped
  5. You will be given detail instruction before surgery
  6. The abdominoplasty surgeon team is always there to guide you in case of any confusion.

2. On Admission at the Cosmetic Surgery Center

Please inform about:

  1. Recent illness like common cold, fever, urinary tract infection or any other seasonal illness
  2. Your medical ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, thyroid or any other illness
  3. Any ongoing medication
  4. Past history of any major illness, hospitalization, trauma, or surgery
  5. Drug or any other allergy
  6. Family history of any significant illness like blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac ailment, cancer, G 6 PD deficiency, thyroid, thalassemia, bleeding disorder, or any other illness.

The Cosmetic Surgeon Will:

  • Listen to your concerns and explain to you again about the surgery
  • Discuss your goal of abdominoplasty surgery
  • Your physical fitness is also evaluated (you will also be examined by anesthesiologist for physical fitness)
  • Will mark the operative area with your active participation. This is useful as guidelines in the procedure.
  • Preoperative medications will be started.
  • The preoperative formalities are done.


On the day of surgery, again lipoabdominoplasty plan is discussed again. Meticulous marking is done for liposuction area, skin incision, muscle tightening. The low placement of the suture line is done.

In the Operation Theater


Usually done under general anesthesia


Liposuction is a part of modern tummy tuck surgery. The surgery begins with tumescent infiltration and Vaser Liposuction of somatic fat/or localized fat deposits is done. In case of torsoplasty, first, back liposuction is done.


Skin is pulled up and low incision under bikini line is taken. The length depends on the amount of extra skin to be removed for tightened abdomen. The skin flap is elevated from the underlying muscle and umbilicus is left attached to the muscle. As much aspossible, the skin is excised to give good abdominal shape.

Muscle Tightening

The separated rectus muscle is plicated in a mid-line from below the chest bone to the pubic bone. If needed lateral plication of the oblique muscle is done to further tighten muscles to give the hourglass shape of the tummy.

Transposition of Umbilicus

The umbilicus is fixed to the underlying muscle at the aesthetically appropriate location. A hole is created in a skin flap at the same location. The umbilicus is fixed to the skin flap in such a manner that the suture line goes deep in an invisible position.

Deep sitted umbilicus looks natural Umbilicalus shape can be discussed and plan Like vertical shape oval shape or round shape.

If the umbilicus is highly positioned and skin above the umbilicus is not much extra, floating the umbilicus technique can be used to avoid circum polar scarring.

Mons pubis lift: Vulva and external genitalia hang due to the laxity of skin post-pregnancy and post-weight loss. Mons is pulled up and fixed at a higher level.

Skin Closure:

Skin suturing is done in layers with buried suture. Care is taken that the suture line remains below the bikini line. One should be able to wear a swimsuit easily.

Finishing Liposuction

Minor asymmetry is corrected and sculpting of the abdomen is done. Extra fluid is aspirated.

With drain or Drain less Abdominoplasty

Before closure, the drain is used and fixed depending on the surgical extent to drain out the fluid and broken fat. When the drain is not used, it is called drain less abdominoplasty. The tissue of the abdominal wall is sutured with quilting suture so tissue stitch to each other faster. However, drainless technique takes longer time and so anesthesia time.

Tummy tuck Immediate Recovery

  • You will be shifted to the recovery room.
  • Once you’ve awakened fully from the anesthesia you will be shifted in room.
  •  You can go home next day.
  • You will be provided with pressure garments and post-surgical care instructions. The Doctor and the surgical staff will be there to assist you.

Abdominoplasty Surgery Result depends on

  • Extent of the surgery.
  • Individual healing process.
  • Technique and technology used,
  • purpose, and the end goal of the surgery and
  • Operating surgeon’s hand to a very extent.

One must follow cosmetic surgeon advice to get best result. You can see Tummy tuck surgery result as follows

  • Immediately: There is a huge difference in your contour. Imagine how delighted your new look will be?
  • 1st week: Some swelling will be there, closed drainage will have more swelling. whereas open drainage will have less swelling,
  • 1st MONTH:Major result is visible over a month as the majority of the swelling has been reduced now.
  • 6th -8th MONTHS: A complete result of tummy tuck surgery in men or woman will be visible
  • 8th-12th MONTHS: Collagen synthesis and skin tightening take place.
  • The lipoabdominoplasty surgery result is faster with open drainage technique compared to closed drainage technique.
  • In most of the patient, fat cell can increase in size but can’t multiply. Fat rarely comes back in the abdominal wall area.
  • There is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the best and permanent results.

  • DIET

Take as much liquid as possible once you are comfortable. We maintain our patients on a liquid diet on the day of surgery, which is subsequently advanced the following day to a soft regular diet. As such there is no restriction on diet, but to achieve better result and sound recovery, we recommend high protein, low fat and low carbohydrate diet. Please watch your weight. Try to stay 1-3 pounds lighter than your pre-surgical weight.


Keep the head of the bed elevated at an angle of 45 degrees to help maximise postoperative comfort. You can change your position and turn side by side. Keep your legs moving in bed.


You are advised to walk as much as possible on the day of evening once you are conscious. One can do office like job within 1week .One can do heavy gym and jerky activity after 1-2 month. You can do cardio like activity in 2-3weeks.


One will have numbness around the Liposuction area on the day of surgery. Pain is easily managed by pain killers; one will feel like something is done. One will feel stretching and pain while changing position. You will have soreness on pressing the operative site. When liposuction done, one may develop swelling and bruise mark at private part, will go in 2 to 3 weeks.


Usually we follow the open drainage technique. Injected tumescent fluid, residual fat, broken tissue will come out from the tiny punctures and it will be blood stained. So tissue reaction, swelling bruising and pain will be less, and recovery will be faster. Amount and duration of the fluid discharge depends on the area of surgery and extent of fat removal. Normally it stops in a day or two. In case of mega liposuction it may last longer. In the dressing will be done. And you will be taught how to take care of dressing before discharge. Mild bruising may occur for 3 weeks after tummy tuck. If there is excessive bleeding or swelling or pain unrelieved by medication, please call the doctor immediately

  • 3 weeks –24 hours-can remove for bath and put back with seam on the outside
  • 3 weeks-10 to 12 hours
  • Avoid bending, Avoid wrinkle, wet cloth
  • Tighten the cloth if it becomes loose

One may develop swelling distal to pressure garment on limb due to pressure, on removing pressure garment for short time swelling will reduce. Wash in normal tap water. Don’t squeeze-avoid drier and sunlight- don’t iron -don’t hang.


Take bath after discharge of fluid is stopped after permission of doctor. (No bath in Bath tub). Make area dry and cover the wound with bandage. You may wash and dry the garment at the same time that you are showering.


One can see huge the difference in shape immediate after surgery, although it is a partial result. Initial 7 to 10 days there will increase in swelling so result will be less visible. Over one month you will see most of the result as swelling reduces. Improvement in shape and skin tightening goes on for 6 to 8 month.


After the discharge, you have to do postoperative visit at 3 days, 7 days,15 days and then after 1 month.


It is advisable to visit the clinic at 3 and 6months after the operation. Inform doctor, if swelling, redness pain, hardness etc..

Confirm your appointment +91 8291863159 


Likewise any surgical procedure, tummy tuck surgery in men and women also has some risks and complications.

There are 2 most important factors that reduce the risk & complications mentioned below:

  1. Expert tummy tuck surgeon and
  2. NABH Accredited cosmetic surgery center with an overnight facility

The risk of complications increases WHILE r doing multiple procedures at the same operation session.

 Tummy tuck Surgery specific complications:

  • Bleeding: it is very rare as, blunt cannula is used for liposuction
  • Infection: Surgical site infection is rare but possible. A severe skin infection may be life-threatening.
  • Fluid accumulation: Accumulation of fluid is called a seroma. Small seroma gets absorbed by itself. This fluid may need to be drained with a needle. Open drainage technique reduces seroma
  •  Wound healing problem; when skin is suture too tight or fat layer is thick, or patient is a smoker, wound healing problem can take place., which delays recovery may need revision surgery.
  • Contour irregularities: Skin may look irregular, bumpy, or wavy due to uneven fat removal, poor healing, or thinly stretched skin. These changes may be permanent. Even difficult to reduce with revision
  • Spot/ pigmentations: Skin may appear spotted, but rarely does it become permanent.
  • Numbness: One may have temporary or permanent numbness in the operative area.
  • Hyperesthesia: due to temporary nerve irritation is also possible.
  • Fat embolism: Again very rare, can happen with mega liposuction. Broken fat may travel through the blood and gather in the lungs or to the brain. A fat embolism is a medical emergency.
  • Kidney and heart problems: As a large quantity of fluid is injected and suctioned out as it can cause potentially life-threatening kidney, heart, or lungs problem.
  • Lidocaine toxicity: Lidocaine is an anesthetic drug in infiltration fluid. Although it is safe, in a rare circumstance, lidocaine toxicity can occur, causing serious heart and central nervous system problems.
  • Internal puncture: It is extremely rare. A cannula can go too deep, may puncture an internal organ. This may require emergency surgical repair.

Anaesthesia related complications:

Small reaction to major reaction or fluid imbalance can happen. And it is rarest rare death can happen.

For a safe & comfortable tummy tuck surgery recovery it is needed to:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines
  2. Take prescribed medicinesregularly
  3. Visit the cosmetic surgery clinic as advised.

Tummy tuck surgery recovery depends on the extent of surgery, the technology used, and expertise of the cosmetic surgeon, and your general health.

A patient coming from another city or country should plan to arrive in Mumbai, India at least 1 full day before surgery and to stay in Mumbai for a minimum of 5-7 days post-operatively.

Pain – pain is mild to moderate, like caesarian section or any abdominal surgery. One must know associated pain or discomforts are just for a couple of days that improves with time. Pain medication protocol will reduce your pain a lot.

Diet – No restriction on diet, however, you are advised to maintain the weight to achieve the best lipoabdominoplasty result. Of course, a high protein diet enhances a faster recovery.

Bruise  Bruising lasts for 2-3 weeks and it is comparatively quite less with an open drainage technique.

Daily Activity– One Can Start as Following:

  • Walking: Same Day, Walk as Much as Possible
  • Office Work: 5-5 Days
  • Driving: 7-10 Days
  • Cardio Activities: 2-3 weeks Days
  • Heavy Exercise and Jerky Activity: After 2 -3 Months

Pressure Garment: –

  • Reduce pain, swelling
  • Reduces the chance of seroma as well as other complications.
  • Help in adapting new contours sculpted by the Lipoabdominoplasty.
  • Help skin to retrace.

One Has to Wear Compression Garment for:

  • 3 weeks 24/7 that can be removed at the time of taking a shower.
  • 3 more weeks for 10-12 hours a day.
  • For small liposuction, duration is shorter while for Mega liposuction duration may be longer.

Pressure garments care

  • Avoid wrinkles
  • Wash in normal water,
  • don’t squeeze it
  • Don’t iron or dry in sunlight

Massage/ lymphatic drainage 

  • Some doctor advises for faster recovery and start after 1 to 2 week of surgery.
  • Some time it is painful and cumbersome and time consuming.
  • Compared to closed technique, open drainage technique all broken fat and fluid is drain out, there is quite low tissue reaction and less edema. So massage or any machine

  • It is owned by Dr Milan Doshi.
  • Specially designed with good ambience for cosmetic surgery patients.
  • Allure Medspa, Cosmetic surgery clinic is at the heart of the Bollywood, Andheri, which is easy to commute for pre- and post-operative visits. While away from the glittering world, Goregaon cosmetic surgery center assures you about the utmost privacy.
  • Goregaon cosmetic surgery center is NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers). It assures you about the best medical practice, safety, and comfortable recovery. We follow a stringent medical protocol for your safety.
  • Well equipped with an advance lifesaving armamentarium
  •  Goregaon cosmetic surgery Centre is with night stay facility. If you are opting for major surgery like tummy tuck, it makes your transformation journey a safe and comfortable one
  • Tumescent, LASER, VASERand Power-assisted liposuction in Mumbai, India. All energy based liposuction technology under one roof for lipoabdominoplasty.
  • The staffs at the cosmetic surgery centre are well-experienced to take all the post-operative care. They patiently guide you taking post-operative care of yourself before discharging to make your journey of fine to fabulous ,a pleasant experience.
  • You will homely at Allure Medspa.
  • Real time 3d virtual consultation. You can have cosmetic surgery consultation from anywhere in India or abroad
  • Patient care coordinator is there to address any concern immediately and coordinate with the medical team to make your tummy tuck surgery planning, recovery smooth and safer.
  • If you are coming from outstation, we have special facilitation planning

We Are Committed To Make Your Fine to Fabulous Journey a Memorable

  • Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Milan Doshi has credit for performing more than 1000+ tummy tuck surgeries in his 25+ Years career.
  • He listens to you patiently and recommends a tailor-made plan as per your goal of tummy tuck surgery.
  • He regularly performs Conventional tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, lipoabdominoplasty, extended tummy tuck,and
    circumferential tummy tuck
  • He is a well-known name for large-sized abdominoplasty. He has also helped a lot in improving the health & lifestyle of many people.
  • His incision is quite low under the bikini line.
  • With the combination of Laser and Vaser technology, he delivers the natural-looking abdominal shape with added safety.
  • Doshi’s artistic eye combines Nano fat graft and structural fat graft with abdominoplasty and gives you the best-contoured abdomen.
  • He meticulously executes lipoabdominoplsty surgery to give you a safe and smooth recovery
  • Milan Doshi has expertise in performing revision tummy tuck surgery
  • No wonder Milan Doshi has been recognized as a Celebrity Cosmetic surgeon for Bollywood fraternity and credit of happily satisfying thousands & thousands of patients across the globe.

To know more about expert cosmetic surgeon

World-class infrastructure and expertise leads many NRI and foreign tourists to India for tummy tuck and many other body contouring surgery. Safe and advance tummy tuck surgery cost in India is one third of the developed countries. Not only the celebrities but common people from all walks of life can afford tummy tuck surgery and have a full confident life.

You have decided to go ahead with tummy tuck surgery to take your life forward and searched a lot. Then it’s a great surprise to you. As you will get big variations for tummy tuck surgery cost across India ranging from INR. 100000 to 400000.

Huge variations in abdominoplasty surgery cost is confusing.. It’s about your safety and smooth recovery. It’s about life after achieving the desired body contour without complication. You would not like to regret afterward. It is a one-time decision

Here is a small guideline so you can choose the best value for or money while selecting expert tummy tuck surgeon or cosmetic surgery centre at India.

Know Your Investment for Safe Lipoabdominoplasty

Factors affecting Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost at India

The two most IMPORTANT factors are:

  1. Board-certified plastic cosmetic surgeon
  2. NABH certified cosmetic surgery center with overnight facility

The Patient’s Profile:

  1. The extent of the tummy tuck surgery.
  2. The amount of fatto be removed from each area.
  3. The body structureheight and weight or a large amount of residualfat, excessive lose muscle or extra skin
  4. The Goal of your surgery,
  5. Endoscopic tummy tuck or lipoabdominoplasty will cost you more
  6. Revision tummy tuck surgery or after previous liposuction surgery will   cost more
  7. General health
  8. The associated medical conditionincreases body contouring cost

The Expert Tummy Tuck Surgeon:

Yes, the surgeon will be the core for the safe transformation of your look.


He must be an Indian board-certified plastic surgeonM.Ch. degree in plastic and reconstructive surgery in India. It is a highly sophisticated training program of 11 and half years for delicate handling of patient tissue. (5 and a half for M.B.B.S, 3 years of general surgery, and 3 more years of plastic surgery).


  • How many years the cosmetic surgeon is in practice?
  • Does he perform exclusive cosmetic surgery or he is a general plastic surgeon?
  • What is the number of various tummy tuck surgery he performed?


His membership with recognized national and international aesthetic plastic surgeon organization like; ASPS, ISAPS, APSI, IAAPS, IMA, AMC, suggest that he is upgrading himself with the development of the medical field.


  • You can find out on social media review or
  • Can get referrals from your friends’ circle.
  • How much is it easy to approach?
  • Transparent behavior
  • His various lipoabdominoplasty results.
  • Follow-up care standard

One must select that cosmetic surgeon with whom one will feel comfortable.

Cosmetic Surgery Centre:

There are many variables of Tummy tuck surgery centre. one should select centre on the bases of the safety and ease of follow up.


Tier 1 city or metro city like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai. Kolkata will have more cost. You get easy and frequent transportation. Medical infrastructure is better compared to smaller city.

You have better infrastructure and more expert or specialized doctor.

You can enjoy your recovery time with plenty of options.


Prime location will have more cost. you can have easy transportation and various tourist destinations nearby

Set Up

It is a clinic/day care centre / cosmetic surgery centre / multispecialty hospital.

Abdominoplasty must be done in accereditated facility with emergency life saving measure. It is a major surgery and one must not do at day care centre or small clinic

Cosmetic surgery centre ambiance, cleanliness & hygiene makes difference but hospital with night stay facility increases your safety


Hospital must be registered with local authority

ISO certification: they have their own set of protocol

NABH certification: they are following standard medical protocol advised by National Accreditation Board of Hospital

JCI certification: It follows international standards and recognized by Joint Commission of International. Very few across India are recognized

Advance Liposuction Technology:

Most of the centre offers conventional liposuction technology. Advance technology like LASER & VASER has its added advantages as mentioned in Lipoabdominoplasty, but it cost you a little more.

Anesthesiologist Charge:

The qualified anesthesiologist makes your surgery painless and monitors your vital parameters during surgery and on the other hand, his expertise is important for the safety of the surgery results in weighing the cost of the procedure.

Pressure Garment:

It also included as a cost enhancing factor in the procedure.


 Medicines include anesthesia, surgical medicine, disposable, and consumables.

Follow Up Visits:

More the number of follow-up the more cost of the procedure would be.

Support Team

How the staff is supportive during and post-surgery follow-ups are important to make a comfortable recovery.

Note: Most of the health insurance plans do not cover any Cosmetic Surgery as well as not include any additional surgery cost or revision tummy tuck surgery

Dr Milan Doshi’s average various tummy tuck surgery cost at his own Cosmetic Surgery centre, Andheri, Mumbai is as Below:

Types of Tummy Tuck Cost (INR)
Mini Tummy Tuck INR 125000 to 150000
Endoscopic Tummy Tuck INR 130000 to 150000
Standard/Traditional Tummy Tuck INR 120000 to 140000
Lipoabdominoplasty/Brazilian Tummy Tuck INR 140000 to 170000
Extended Tummy Tuck INR 150000 to 180000
Torsoplasty – 360 Degree Tummy Tuck INR 160000 to 180000
Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Belt Plasty, Lower Body Lift INR 200000 to 240000
Dermolipectomy/Panniculectomy INR 120000 to 200000
Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck INR 200000 to 2500000
  1. Revision tummy tuck surgery costs will be more.
  2. Tummy tuck after previous liposuction cost will be more
  3. Associated large volume or Mega liposuction surgery cost would be more.


  • Additional 18% GST by Govt of India On All Cosmetic Surgery
  • Insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic surgery or a body contouring surgery cost
  • EMI facilities are also Available at Allure Medspa.

Tummy Tucks Surgery Cost Includes:

  • Dr Milan Dashi’s Fee
  • Anaesthesiologist fees
  • Medicines/consumables during Lipoabdominoplasty
  • Vardan Hospital facility & and up to 1-day stay charges
  • Technology used
  • Pressure Garment
  • Immediate post-operative follow-ups.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost Does Not Include:

  • Preoperative fitness test
  • Post-operative medications (to be taken at home)
  • Cost arising due to any associated medical condition
  • Rare and unforeseen health circumstances experienced by the patients

Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost at Allure Medspa, Mumbai, India Gives You Best Value for Your Money.

Expert Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon:

  • Dr Milan Doshi is an Indian board certified plastic cosmetic surgeon with more than 25+ years of experience
  • Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Milan Doshi has credit for performing more than 1000+ various type of tummy tuck surgeries in his career.
  • He regularly performs mini tummy tuck, standard tummy tuck, lipoabdominoplasty, extended tummy tuck and torsoplastysurgery. He recommends a particular technique as per your body type and goal of the surgery.
  • Doshi has expertise in performing body contouring surgery and gives hourglass or ‘V’ shape figure.
  • He is a well-known name for Mega Liposuction Surgery as well as a whole-body contouring surgery to reduce weight. And, he has also helped a lot of patients in improving their health & lifestyle.
  • Dr Doshi will recommend the particular option of the technology/technique of liposuction surgery according to your need, expectation, and desired goal
  • Dr. Doshi’s artistic hand combines Nano fat graft and structural fat graft with liposuction and gives you a rejuvenated facial look; breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to enhance your beauty.
  • Dr. Milan Doshi has been recognized as the safes and trusted surgeon in Mumbai, India.
  • He is high on the demand, especially for the celebrity Cosmetic surgeon from Bollywood fraternity because of consistently delivering unmatched body contouring results.

To know more about Dr. Milan Doshi, kindly click the link :  Best tummy tuck surgeon in india

Best Cosmetic Surgery Center: Allure Medspa

  • We provide real time 3d virtual consultation. You can have best possible consultation sitting at your home
  • It is owned by Dr Milan Doshi himself so it is specially designed for cosmetic surgery patients
  • NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) certification for Goregaon center assures you about the best medical practice, safety, and comfortable recovery. We follow a stringent medical protocol for your safety.
  • Hospital is equipped with an advance lifesaving AND armamentarium
  • If you are going for major surgery like lipoabdominoplasty or more, overnight stay facility at Goregaon Centre makes your transformation journey a safe and comfortable one.
  • Recovery care :

At Allure Medspa plastic & cosmetic surgery centre all our abdominoplasty patients are advised to stay overnight at Vardan Nursing Hospital, Goregaon, (Mumbai) under the supervision of the medical staff for patients’ safety & comfort. The nurse ensures that the patient is resting in the propped up position. The nurse monitors vitals as well as discomfort and can medicate accordingly, as needed. The nurse also monitors drainage (most of the tummy tuck are now drain less)

Next day you will be examined by the expert cosmetic surgeon to check the  wound healing and you will be guided to take care of dressing. Drain  care if it is there.

Or, one can drop in for the dressing. Typically, between 2-6days following surgery, drainage is low enough and so the patient can come into the cosmetic surgery center, Mumbai and have her or his drains removed.

  • The staff at the cosmetic surgery centre is well-experienced to take all the post-operative care. They patiently guide you taking post-operative care of yourself before discharging to make your journey of fine to fabulous as well as a pleasant experience.
  • One can experience homely feeling at Allure Medspa.
  • We have the most priority for the patient’s PRIVACY and CONFIDENTIALITY
  • Allure Medspa clinic is at the heart of the Bollywood, which is easy to commute for pre- and post-operative visits. Whilst away from the glittering world, Goregaon centre assures you about the utmost privacy.
  • If you are coming from outstation, you can request for pick up facility to make your journey safe.
  • Patient care coordinator is there to address any concern immediately/HE is always there to help you

We Are Committed to Make Your Fine to Fabulous Journey a Memorable

Q: What is tummy tuck surgery?

A: The abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a “tummy tuck”, is a procedure to reduce excess skin and fat around the abdomen and strengthen the abdominal wall musculature. The abdominoplasty has become a popular modality for helping patients remove excess abdominal tissue both after pregnancy and significant weight loss or as an adjunct to it.

Q: How Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Benefit Us?

A: Tummy tuck surgery have medical benefits like
– correct a ventral hernia:
– reduce stress urinary incontinence:
– decrease back pain:
– improve posture:
beside this, tummy tuck surgery improves look and cloth choice. improved self confidence enhance quality of personal, social and profession life.
Click Here for More detail…

Q: Is tummy tuck right for you?

A: The best candidates for abdominoplasty are those who have loose skin, excess fat, or are unhappy with the appearance of their abdomen. May be due to genetics, pregnancy, weight loss, a previous surgery, or the aging process. This procedure can dramatically aid in the reduction of a prominent abdomen.

Q: Am I Right Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: A tummy tuck is best for patients who are otherwise in good health without active diseases or serious, pre-existing medical conditions. If you plan to become pregnant or to lose a significant amount of weight, you should discuss these plans with your doctor before surgery. Abdominoplasty is not a treatment for morbid obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise.
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Q: What Are the Limitations of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: Limitations of the Tummy tuck surgery are
– You will have scar in lower abdomen
– can not remove visceral fat
– stretch mark removal depends on extra skin remoal.
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Q: What Are the Abdominal Changes Take Place During Preganancy and Weight Gain/ loss?

A: Body changes following pregnancy and weight gain are
– Skin gets over stretched and develops stretch marks
– Stubborn Fat accumulates around the abdomen
– Over stretching of the muscle make it loose one develops divarication of recti or ventral hernia and one see permanent baby pooch.

Q: What Should I Expect During a Consultation for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: You can expect many questions from the cosmetic surgeon regarding your health, lifestyle and goal of tummy tuck surgery. He will examine you thoroughly and may take photographs. He will discuss best plan for your procedure and discuss in detail about the expected result and recovery. He will also discuss possible risk and complication.

Q: What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about tummy tuck surgery?

A: Following question, you should ask during your tummy tuck consultation:
– Are you certified by the Indian Board of Plastic Surgery?
– How many years of plastic surgery training have you had?
– How many years of plastic surgery experience you have?
– Am I a good candidate for tummy tuck?
– What surgical technique is recommended for me?
– What should I do to get the best tummy tuck results?
– How can I expect my stomach to look over time? After pregnancy?
– Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for this procedure and what results are reasonable for me?
– How long will be my recovery period?
– Any kind of help will I need during my recovery?
– What are the risks and complications with my tummy tuck?
– How are complications handled?
– What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my tummy tuck?
– Where and how will you perform my procedure?
– Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally- or state-recognized accrediting agency, or is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified?
– Do you have hospital privileges to perform this procedure? If so, at which hospitals?

Q: What are the Different Types and Techniques of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: Different types of the tummy tuck are
1. Depending on the need to remove extra skin Mini Tummy Tuck, (small skin incision Standard Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Extended Tummy Tuck, (little, longer skin incision), Circumferential (skin incision) Tummy Tuck (belt plasty/ lower body lift), Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck. (Added vertical midline incision), Dermolipectomy (only hanging skin apron is excised)
2. If liposuction added to standard tummy tuck Lipoabdominoplasty (liposuction is done to give natural contour to abdomen), 360 lipoabdominoplasty (lipoabdominoplasty with back liposuction)
3. Tummy tuck through tiny incisions. When there is no need to cut extra skin – Endoscopic tummy tuck

Q: How Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

A: Tummy Tuck surgery is performed under anesthesia.
First liposuction is done, then lower belly incision is taken. Muscles are tighten and extra skin is cut. Umbilicus is relocated at appropriate place. Then finishing liposuction is done
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Q: When Will Be the Results of Tummy Tuck Surgery Visible?

A: The final results of tummy tuck surgery may be initially obscured by swelling and inability stand straight.
In modern tummy tuck, lipoabdominoplasty result is visible quite early compared to standard tummy tuck as you can stand almost straight on day one. As the swelling goes, Your tummy tuck will result in a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is more proportionate with your body type and weight.
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Q: What Are the Risk/Complication of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: Complication of tummy tuck surgery are very uncommon and for practical purpose classified in 3 categories.
– Complications related to any surgery,
– Specific complications related o tummy tuck surgery
– Anaesthesia complications.
To See The Complication In More Detail…

Q: How Will You Get Recovered from Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A: Tummy tuck surgery recovery varies from patient to patient, tummy tuck surgery recovery depends on the extent of surgery, the technology used, and expertise of the cosmetic surgeon, and your general health.
More detail on tummy tuck recovery…

Q: What is difference between tummy tuck /abdominoplasty and lipoabdominoplasty

A: During Lipoabdominoplasty , liposuction is done .While there is no liposuction is done in conventional abdominoplasty. Lipoabdominoplasty have a shorter recovery and better results. Lipoabdominoplasty advantages outweigh those of a traditional tummy tuck.

Q:Can I be pregnant after a tummy tuck?
A: Yes, you can have a baby after abdominoplasty surgery. But you will lose the result you have achieved due to pregnancy-induced changes. So it is better to opt for tummy tuck after completion of family.

Q: Will tummy tuck correct obesity?
A: The abdominoplastyis not exactly a weight loss procedure; however, it will give a defined shape to your body. It removes excess fat and loose skin from the abdominal area. It motivates you to take up healthy life style.

Q: Can all other areas be targeted with a tummy tuck?
A:. In healthy patients, one or two more area liposuction can be done along with abdominoplasty that can only be decided after personal examination. Safety is the most important factor while doing cosmetic surgery

Q: Can there be a combination of a tummy tuck with other surgeries?
A: Yes, you can have a combination of surgeries with a tummy tuck. If you arein  a good health to withstand the extent of surgery. Let your plastic surgeon decide .

Q: Does a tummy tuck remove stretch marks?
A: Tummy tuck surgery removes stretchmarks fromlower abdomen along with extra skin. A remaining stretch mark which is higher than the excised skin now goes to a lower position. Cream therapy and laser treatment can improve stretch marks further.

Q: Does fat return after a tummy tuck?
A: Fat will not return so easily after tummy tuck surgery in the same area.

Q: Will I succumb to pain during the procedure?
A: No, You will not feel much pain during surgery. Because tummy tuck surgery is done under anaesthesia you will not feel any sensation. Post operatively pain medication will take care of your pain.

Q: Can I join my work immediately?
A:No, you will  not be able to join you’re your work immediately after tummy tuck surgery. If you are in a desk job, you can resume work after about 1-week of rest.

If you are in a job that requires you to be constantly on the move, you might need some time off your work or you can request for some lighter duty for you to heal completely.

Q: Can I immediately start my workout sessions?
A:  You can do brisk walk in a week time. You can do cardio like exercise after 2 to 3 weeks. One can resume light exercises after about 6 weeks and can continue with your regular sessions after two to three months.

Q: Is the result of the tummy tuck procedure permanent?
A: Yes, the result of the tummy tuck procedure is permanently provided you do not gain excess weight in the future, do not get pregnant and maintain a healthy weight.

Q: Is it mandatory to wear a compression garment after the surgery?
A: It is mandatory to wear a compression garment after the surgery. The garment will help to heal and reduces any kind of pain and swelling after the surgery is conducted. The compression garment will also provide support to the midsection area so that the muscle is healed.

Q: What does tummy tuck do?
A: A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a procedure performed to reshape/flatten your abdomen. In an advanced tummy tuck, also called lipoabdominoplasty, extra fat is removed along with tightening your loose muscles and removing extra skin. Lipoabdominoplasty can give a natural look to both males and females.

Q: What qualifies you for a tummy tuck?
A: You may qualify for a tummy tuck surgery if you:
– Have a persistent baby bump or lower abdominal POOCH after your pregnancy.
– Have separated and weak abdominal muscles/divarication of your rectum (due to pregnancy or excess weight gain or loss).
– Have saggy and loose abdominal skin.
– Have thin inelastic skin with multiple stretch marks.
– Are unable to lose weight with exercise and diet from the front and sides of your abdomen.
– Can maintain a stable weight.
– Are physically fit to undergo surgery.
– Are not planning to get pregnant again.
– Have realistic expectations from your abdominoplasty surgery.
– Are mentally prepared for your surgery and recovery.
– It is very necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results of the procedure.

Q: Is a tummy tuck worth it?
A: Yes, according to a Realself survey, more than 95% of the people said that tummy tuck surgery is worth their time, energy, and money invested. You must choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with a good track record to get a safe and fast recovery from your tummy tuck surgery.

Q: How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck?
A: You will lose significant size with tummy tuck surgery. It mostly depends on your anatomical factors like extra fat and skin and muscle looseness and the techniques of your tummy tuck. You will lose more size with lipoabdominoplasty than a classic tummy tuck, and still more with 360-degree lipoabdominoplasty.

Q: How long do tummy tucks last?
A: The results of a tummy tuck surgery are considered permanent, as your skin and fat cells that are removed during this procedure can not grow back. Similarly, any stitches placed inside your abdomen to tighten your stomach muscles are also permanent. In order to maintain your shape, you will have to maintain weight after a tummy tuck.

Q: What does a tummy tuck scar look like?
A: Initially, your scar may look pink and elevated. As it gradually heals, it becomes brownish and less noticeable. In Brazilian Lipoabdominoplasty, your cosmetic surgeon makes the scar so low that it remains hidden below the bikini line during swimming also.

Q: Do I need a full or mini tummy tuck?
A: Mini tummy tuck surgery will give you good abdominal shape if you don’t have extra skin above your umbilicus (belly button) and have a good muscle tone. You will need full tummy tuck surgery if there is extra skin above your umbilicus also and your muscles are weak.

Q: How bad is the pain after a tummy tuck?
A: Pain after tummy tuck surgery is well tolerable. You will be given pain medication to take care of it. On average, you might experience some pain for a week or 10 days after your tummy tuck surgery. Refrain from exercising or doing any activities. Follow the instructions given by your cosmetic surgeon for minimizing your pain after a tummy tuck.

Q: Do you need lipo with a tummy tuck?
A: In an advanced tummy tuck, liposuction is done along with tummy tuck. It is also called lipoabdominoplasty. It gives natural-looking results with speedy and safe recovery after tummy tuck surgery.

Q: Do you need a catheter for a tummy tuck?
A: You will need a Foley catheter during tummy tuck surgery and immediately for your postoperative recovery period. Cather will be removed as you start walking, mostly same day evening or rarely the next day.

Q: What is the best age for a tummy tuck?
A: You can go for tummy tuck surgery if you are above 18 years old. Age is no bar for tummy tuck surgery, provided you are physically fit to undergo any surgery.

Q: Can I get a tummy tuck if I am overweight?
A: You can get tummy tuck surgery if you are overweight but not obese. The more you weigh, your result and recovery get affected.

Q: What is the best alternative to a tummy tuck?
A: There are options like liposuction procedures that can be considered as an alternative to a tummy tuck surgery, however, no other treatment can provide the same results as tummy tuck surgery. It is the only surgical option that removes stretch marks and loose skin permanently.

Q: How much weight does a tummy tuck take off?
A: Tummy tuck surgery is a body shaping procedure and weight loss is a secondary effect. Weight loss depends on extra fat on your tummy. Your doctor can give you an estimate only after a personal examination.

Q: How much skin is removed in a tummy tuck?
A: In a tummy tuck, your extra abdominal skin is removed from your lower abdomen. It varies from person to person.
After liposuction, your surgeon makes an incision below the bikini line and tightens your abdominal muscle. They will then pull your skin downward and remove the overlapping skin.

Q: What do I need at home after a tummy tuck?
A: You will be able to do your daily living activity by yourself. You will be required to wear an abdominal binder for approximately six weeks. While recovering from a tummy tuck, you will still need to wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks. This includes any strenuous activity or heavy lifting.

Q: What is the maximum weight for a tummy tuck?
A: The maximum weight for a tummy tuck surgery depends on your height and BMI. Ideally, tummy tuck surgeries are performed if your BMI is not more than 30. However, if you are fully fit with very good overall health, an expert cosmetic surgeon can do a tummy tuck with more weight/ BMR.

Q: What is a mini tuck or tiny tummy tuck?
A: It is performed when only skin below your belly button is extra with a high riding umbilicus. In such cases your excess fat and skin can be removed through a shorter scar, hence the name mini tuck/tiny tuck. For this surgery, you should be near normal weight also. A young post-pregnant woman with good muscle tone and limited stretch marks is a good candidate for mini tummy tuck surgery.

Q: Can you get a tummy tuck without loose skin?
A: You can get a tummy tuck without loose skin but there should be loose muscles. An endoscopic tummy tuck can tighten your muscle with minimal hidden cuts.

Q: Does a tummy tuck remove back fat?
A: Tummy tuck per se does not remove back fat. When back liposuction is combined with a tummy tuck, it is called a 360-degree tummy tuck.

Q: Which is better, lipo or tummy tuck?
A: Liposuction is a body contouring procedure and also a part of modern tummy tuck called lipoabdominoplasty. Only after a personal examination, a qualified cosmetic surgeon can say which procedure will be best for you to get the best abdominal contour.

Q: Does the fat come back after a tummy tuck?
A: During the tummy tuck surgery, the fat cells are removed from your abdomen. As the fat cells can increase in size but can not increase in number, fat will not reaccumulate at your abdomen like before. But you will have to maintain weight to maintain the best results.

ICD-10 ,CPT Code and Description about Tummy Tuck Surgery:

CPT Code CPT Description ICD -10 Procedure
15847 Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue (including lipectomy); Z41.1
15830 standard abdominoplasty combined with a panniculectomy Z41.1

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Note: The author of this content is Dr. Milan Doshi, An Indian board-certified plastic & cosmetic Surgeon wholly & solely confirms the authenticity of the information & knowledge delivered by this write-up.