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Get Your Safe Liposuction Surgery Cost In Mumbai, India

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Milan Doshi
best liposuction surgeon in india, dr milan doshi Indian Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
MUHS -faculty aesthetic surgery
ISAPS Mentor
11000+ Cosmetic Surgery
4000+ Liposuction Surgery

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction surgery means removal of stubborn body fat (LFD/ localized fat deposits) through tiny incisions by using various suction techniques.


Synonyms for Liposuction

It is also called as Lipo, Lipoplasty, Suction Lipectomy, Liposculpture Suction, Liposculpting, Fat Removal Surgery, Lipolysis or Body Contouring Surgery.

Initially, liposuction surgery was meant to remove limited fat from the small or limited body areas. Advancement in medical science has expanded the safety and smoothen the recovery. With the help of tumescent liposuction as well advance energy based technology like Laser & Vaser liposuction surgery have increased horizon of body contouring surgery. You can do weight loss with large volume (up to 10 liters) or Mega liposuction surgery (more than 10 liters).

VASER-assisted high-definition liposculpting (VAHDL) can give you desired 6-pack abdomen and sculpted chest, back, arm, and thigh muscles shape with 3D liposuction. When aspirated fat is transplanted in the muscle to highlight them more is called 4D liposuction.

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed. Going by ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery statistics 2021)

  • 1,903,063 Liposuction procedure in 2021 (+24.8% increase compared to 2020) .
  • women Liposuction 1,625,283  while men  Liposuction 277,779 procedures
  •  82,488 liposuction surgeries have been performed in India (22.3%increase  compared to 2020)

Related Topics: Tummy Tuck Surgery | Body Lift Surgery | Mommy Makeover Surgery

According to the ASPS, (American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 2019 Reference: plasticsurgery.org 


  • The average tumescent liposuction surgery cost in India is Rs. 1,00,000 (USD $ 1200) for abdomen Whereas Vaser Liposuction Surgery Cost you $200 to $300 more.
  • According to the Plastic Surgery 3,81,000 liposuction surgeries performed in USA.
  • The average liposuction surgery cost is USD ($ 3637)

100+ Liposuction Surgery Before & After

Dr Milan Doshi is describing the Liposuction Surgery in detail with benefits, candidacy, associated risks and significance

Liposuction Open House Video: https://youtu.be/nhSykuz4CNE
Liposuction Surgery Video: https://youtu.be/_ADWvUdkv2U
Client Testimonial Video: https://youtu.be/On8o4HAtu3M
Related Blog: Comparison Between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

Quick fact on liposuction Surgery
Liposuction Surgery Quick Facts
Time Required 1-3 Hours
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia preferable for small or single area or General anesthesia for large or multiple areas
Pain Level Mild to Moderate well managed with medications
Result Major difference visible immediately Final result 6 to 8 months
Diet No restriction, maintain your weight for best result
Hospital Stay Day Care surgery
Flyback 2-3 Days
Satisfaction Rate  More than 95%
Complication Rate Less than 1 to 2%
Cost(Laser/Vaser Liposuction) Approx. 60,000 to 80,000 INR per area

Liposuction surgery improve shape of the various body areas in male & female:

“Liposuction Surgery ICD-9 Procedure Code is 8683
CPT Code and Description about Liposuction Body areas:
Suction assisted lipectomy; head and neck – 15876
Trunk – 15877
Upper Extremity – 15878
Lower Extremity – 15879

Liposuction Traditional Skin Resection
Surgeon must be experience Not so experience
Special instrumentation needed Routine surgical instruments are enough
Small cuts :0.5 to 1 cm Long cuts
Can remove localized fat deposit with minimal incision Requires long incision to remove localized fat deposit
Reshape large area Reshape limited area
Uniform contouring Possibility of irregularity in contouring
Heal with inconspicuous scar Heal with visible scar
Less blood loss Comparatively more blood loss
 Less oedema: Preserves lymphatics  More oedema: Lymphatics injured
Preserves sensation altered sensation
Day care surgery Hospitalization needed
Early ambulation Long time to ambulate
No wound healing issue Possibility of wound dehiscence/ wound related complications
Uniform contouring Possibility of irregularity in contouring
Achieves skin tightening No skin tightening
Post-operative No drain require Postoperative drain may require
Postoperatively strict adherence to pressure garment must Pressure garment not mandatory

Liposuction Benefits: Remove stubborn fat, improved body contour and enhanced self-confidence
Benefits of Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery Benefits are:

  • Removes fat safely
  • Permanent fat cell removal
  • Promotes sculpting in the areas of the body that even exercise and diet don’t seem to impact
  • May boost health due to fat loss
  • May tighten the skin
  • May reduce cellulite or improve the appearance of cellulite
  • May boost self-esteem
  • May improve personal and social life

Dont miss how Tumescent/ Vaser/ Laser/Power assisted liposuction surgery benefit

When killing diet and even exhaustive gym fails, Benefits of abdomen, arm, thigh liposuction surgery are:

A) Body contouring liposuction surgery:

Benefits of liposuction surgery
Benefits of body shaping liposuction
  • Gives you the desired body contour.
  • 3600abdomen and back liposuction gives a woman an hourglass figure and on the other hand, man gets the V-shaped torso too.
  • Helps in contouring the arm, double chin, upper back, chest, saddlebag, butt, hip, calf, and ankle.

B) Natural body sculpting liposuction surgery:

  • The superficial and deep fat is removed thoroughly and thin uniform layer of fat remains.
  • The underlying muscles are visible.
  • It is preferred when you cannot do the strenuous physical exercise for long term maintenance.

C) 3D body sculpting liposuction surgery

  • After uniform liposuction as mentioned above, aggressive liposuction is done at muscle edges.
  • Muscles get highlighted and become more visible.
  • You should maintain your weight stringently for long term result.

D) 4D Sculpting or VASER-assisted High-definition Liposuction (VAHDL) surgery:

    • It is a process of separating fat without affecting surrounding vital tissue.
    • Deep fat between the muscles can be selectively removed results in highlighting the body muscles.
    • In Addition to this, the fat injection in muscle gives the enhanced well-defined musclelook.
    • It is called 4D liposculpting or VASER-assisted high-definition liposuction (VAHDL) surgery.
    • Abdomen liposuction and muscle etching gives you 6 packs or 8 pack abdomen.
    • Similarly, the back, chest, arm, and thigh muscle can be highlighted.
    • Chin liposuction can give a sharp low line
    • Many Celebrities are undergoing for advanced Body contouring Surgery in Mumbai, India.

    E) Large Volume or Mega Liposuction Surgery

    If Fat aspirate is:

    • 5 Liter – Normal Liposuction
    • 5 to 10 Liters – Large Volume Liposuction
    • More Than 10 Liters – Mega Liposuction

    Immediate gross weight loss improves your

    • Mobility
    • Hygiene
    • Body Metabolism

    It is a good boost to start a healthy lifestyle.
    Caution: As the extent of surgery and the number of body areas increases, the chance of complications increases. Such surgery must be done in the selected patients only. Expert liposuction surgeon and accredited surgical facility along with overnight facility is a must concern your surgical safety as well as a smooth recovery.

    F) Liposuction surgery Result is Permanent:

    liposuction surgery reduces number of fat cells. Generally fat cells do not multiply after puberty; so fat will not accumulate so easily in the same area, you are advised to maintain the weight to get the best and permanent liposuction result.

    G)  Liposuction surgery improves Body Metabolism:

    Weight loss has much beneficial effect on the body. It improves metabolism, helps to improve PCOS and obesity.

    H) Improves Health:

    Large volume or Mega Liposuction surgery gives weight reduction and improves health status .Significantly Improved body shape significantly is a great morale booster to start a healthy lifestyle.

    I) Simultaneous beauty enhancement with Fat Injection:

    Aspirated fat can be transferred or transplanted for:

    • Facial feature enhancement and facial rejuvenation
    • Butt-Brazilian butt lift (BBL)
    • Breast augmentation

    J) It improves your self-esteem:

    • You will feel attractive in every outfit; whether it would be Indian wear (Sari or suits) or western wear.
    • Improved self-confidence means you are more comfortable in dealing with every role of your life either it would be personal & social life or professional career as well.

Limitation of Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery  limitations are  skin tightening, cellulite improvement and weight loss. It cannot improve muscle tone.

  •  If you have Good skin tone, the skin will adopt a new shape itself.
  • If the skin is thin or has poor elasticity or too much extra. You may require excision surgery with liposuction.
  •  Then Laser and Vaser tighten the skin, but there is always a limit.
  • Liposuction doesn’t improve cellulite dimpling or other skin surface irregularities. vaser smooth is quite helpful to some extent in such a situation.
  • Liposuction doesn’t remove the stretch mark.
  • If the underlying muscle tone is poor, one will require muscles tightening to get a good contour. It is similar to an abdominoplasty after pregnancy.

Do you need LIPOSUCTION or TUMMY TUCK Surgery

  • In liposuction surgery you can get rid of approximately 70 to 80 percent of accumulated fat. If there is really a large amount of fat in one area, in one session you see a huge difference. You may require additional sessions for remaining fat removal.
  • If you are morbidly obese, your BMI is greater than 40 or BMI is more than 35 with comorbidity, bariatric surgery gives you better weight loss than the liposuction surgery.

At your consultation, the liposuction surgeon will provide you with a full explanation of the likely outcomes of your liposuction surgery and cost.

  • Are you a good candidate?
  • Is it safe for you?
  • Technique, duration
  • Result, recovery, risk
  • Preoperative preparation and post-operative care.
  • Your actual cost of liposuction surgery
  • Comfort with the surgeon is the most important factor

It is good to make a list of important questions before proceeding for the liposuction consultation.

A. Brief your cosmetic surgeon about:

  1. Your area of concern.
  2. What result you expect as you can take representative photographs
  3. Your weight gain, weight loss history
  4. Previous surgeries particularly body contouring surgery or weight loss surgery.
  5. Your lifestyle including diet habit and physical activity
  6. Any medical conditions & medical treatments
  7. Any supplements such as vitamins, fat burner, herbal treatments or nutritional supplements
  8. Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, and drug uses,
  9. Drug allergies

B. Your liposuction surgeon will examine the following:

  • Fat distribution in the area of your concern.
  • Skin quality
  • Underlying muscle tone
  • Your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.

C. Liposuction surgeon will discuss:

Consult with Dr. Milan Doshi

  • Your surgery options
  • Liposuction result and recovery
  • Will show liposuction surgery “before and after” photographs of his operated patients.
  • May mark on your body to explain the extent of the lipoplasty.
  • May take your photographs and show edited photos, help you to visualize achievable liposuction results.
  • Potential risks or complications.
  • Liposuction surgery cost.
  • Preoperative planning like fitness test and preoperative preparation.

D. Real time 3 d virtual consultation at Allure Medspa, Mumbai, India:

Traveling is time and  cost consuming one find difficulty to choose best cosmetic surgery centre.  Now you can have consultation from comfort of your home.. Take your photographs as advised and mail to us. We create your 3D image with Crisalix software. We can share screen with you and you can see the real time edited changes. It gives you realistic idea, what look can be achieved by the liposuction surgery.

To increase your comfort, Out station patient  facilitation plan.

You are ideal candidate for liposuction if

  • Above 18 years

  • With in 30% of normal weight
  • good skin and muscle tone with out cellulite.
  • Good health without any unfavorable medical conditions
  • Non smoker
  • Realistic expectations for liposuction result
  • Emotionally Stable mindset is required to have the best liposuction results and recovery
  • Ready to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the body contouring for the long term best results.

Allure Medspa does not recommended liposuction surgery for people with life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing. Like:

  •  Smokers ( minimum 2 weeks pre operative abstinence required)

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Diabetes
  • Reduced blood flow
  • A weakened immune system

VARIOUS liposuction techniques and technologies are tumescent,  vaser and laser, power liposuction. Their classification and more detail is as follows.

A. Manual/Conventional/ Suction Assisted ( SAL) Liposuction Surgery

A) Dry Liposuction Surgery

  • No infiltration of any kind of fluid
  • Blood loss is much more
  • It is used only during small touch-up procedures.

B) Wet liposuction

  • Local anesthesia and blood loss preventing medicine are infiltrated at the operative site.
  • A special infiltration machine is used for the purpose
  • Fluid disperse between fat cells and fat becomes soft and blood vessels get contracted
  • Fat aspiration is gentle, less traumatic

1. Tumescent Liposuction Surgery:

  • The ratio of infiltrate and aspiration is 2:1 or more.
  • The tissue becomes turgid and compresses blood vessels


  • Minimal blood loss, about 1 percent of the aspirate
  • A small area can be treated in local anaesthesia with the tumescent liposuction technique.


Infiltrate fluid requirement is high, so large area or many areas can’t be treated with tumescent liposuction.

2. Super wet Liposuction Surgery:

  • The ratio of infiltrate and aspiration is 1:1.


  • When many area or large area are needed to be treated
  • Useful for Large volume or mega liposuction
  • Blood loss is 1 to 2 percent of the aspirate.


  • Additional anaesthesia will be needed.

3.  Wet Liposuction Surgery:

  • The ratio of infiltrate and aspiration is less than 1:1.
  • The blood loss is about 4 to 5% of the aspirate.

4.  SAFE (Separation, fat aspiration & fat equalization) Liposuction Surgery:

  • Infiltration done and tissue is made turgid
  • Multiple tunneling without aspiration is done
  • Improves the spreading of infiltrate
  • Softens fat and separation of the fats
  • Aspiration becomes less traumatic.

B) Energy-based Devise Liposuction

1) Vaser Liposuction Surgery:

    • Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
    • This is an advanced ultrasound technology to melt the fat without affecting surrounding blood vessels, nerves or structural tissue.
    • Followed by extraction of fat by low pressure suction.
    • Vaser liposuction surgery is called as Liposelection.
    • Vaser Liposuction is Approved by US FDA.

2) Laser Liposuction Surgery:

In laser liposuction surgery, laser energy is delivered to the fat area through a small cannula. Which is converted to heat and  ruptures the fat cells. Now many wavelength or combination of wavelength lasers is available. Temperature sensor makes them safe. Sono Bello and CoolSculpting both remove excess fat.

Sono Bello is a laser liposuction procedure. In this Method  surgeon manually removes fat through incisions in your target areas.

Laser lipolysis: If the area is small, the ruptured fat cells will be removed from the body system. No suction is done after laser treatment.

Laser-assisted liposuction: When the LASER treatment area is large after laser fat is aspirated than it is called Smartlipo is an example of laser liposuction.

3) Power-assisted Liposuction Surgery:

  • The Hand piece is motorized. Attached cannula moves to & fro direction or a rotating movement or tickling movement. Some of the machines are micro air, POWEREX.
  • lipoplasty is done in a more controlled manner.
  • Reduces strenuous work, reduces fatigue
  • Improved Result
  • Increases safety
  • Special use in liposuction of a fibrous area like the upper back, gynecomastia, or revision surgery.

4) Water Jet Liposuction surgey:

  • In water jet liposuction,tissue Infiltration is done in a pulsating mode by machine. Here a small amount of infiltrating is required, which disperse in the treatment area evenly.

5) RF Liposuction (Radio frequency):

RF liposuction surgery, A bipolar high-frequency current is used. One probe goes inside and one probe remains outside. The advanced machine has a temperature sensor for protection likewise Bodyline liposuction.


  • It gives better skin tightening like Laser.


  • There is a comparatively high rate of seroma.

6) J Plasma Liposuction:

A patented machine capable of producing an ionized stream of helium gas via a handheld probe. It provides dual benefit such as melting fat along with skin tightening effect. The technology also provides sealing effect so no scars and stitching required. The heat also indirectly leads to synthesis of new collagen thus providing the aforementioned skin tightening effect.


  • No scarring
  • Minimal pain

There are various non-invasive liposuction technologies like ultrasonic, laser, vacuum, cryoliposis available for fat reduction. Broken fat is believed to be drain by body lymphatic system and metabolised in the liver.

But as of today, they have very limited effectiveness. Stringent diet and exercise are needed to see the result.

They may act as adjuvant after surgery or very minor correction. Improvement of All non-invasive techniques holds a promising future

They Are:-

  • Ultrasonic liposuction:

Ultrasound waves are produced with transducer and passed through the skin. Suppose to melt the fat and which is drained by lymphatic.

External led (laser emitting diode) heat the body area. Said to melt the fat.

  • RF liposuction:

external radiofrequency current / monopole or bipolar probe is there. Hand piece is moved constantly. It heats the fat and melts it. This is drained by lymphatic.

  • Vacuum suction:

treatment probe is placed on body area. Tissue is sucked in hand probe. This breaks the fat cells. Like vela shape.

  • Cryolipolysis:

Treatment arm is put on the body area covered with special membrane. Hand piece suck the tissue and freeze it. Which breaks and destroy the fat cells. Example is cool sculpting

  • HIFU(High Intensity Focused Ultrasound):

Powerful ultrasound waves are focused on few points. Fat cells  at targeted point get broken, which is useful for minor fat accumulation.

The actual goal of the preoperative preparation and liposuction surgery is to achieve a desired body contour in the least traumatic way with utmost safety and smooth recovery

A.   Pre Liposuction Surgery Preparation

Before admission

  • Quit smoking as advised by surgeon
  • Complete your body check-up test
  • Any medical condition like diabetes or hypertension should be under control.
  • Any nutritional support or on-counter medicineshould be stopped
  • You will be given detail specific instruction before surgery
  • The Liposuction surgeon team is always there to guide you in case of any confusion.

How to Get Prepare for  Liposuction Surgery ?

B. On Admission at Liposuction Surgery Center

1. Please inform about:

  • Recent illness like common cold, fever, urinary tract infection or any other seasonal illness
  • Your medical ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, thyroid or any other illness
  • Any ongoing medication
  • Past history of any major illness, hospitalization, trauma, or surgery
  • Weight loss/ gain history
  • Weight loss or body contouring surgery
  • Drug or any other allergy
  • Family history of any significant illness like blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac ailment, cancer, G 6 PD deficiency, thyroid, thalassemia, bleeding disorder, or any other illness.

b. The Liposuction Surgeon Will:

  • Listen to your concerns and explain to you again about the surgery
  • Discuss your goal of liposuction surgery
  • Your physical fitness is also evaluated (you will also be examined by anaesthesiologist for physical fitness)
  • Will mark the operative area with your active participation. This is useful as guidelines in the procedure.
  • Preoperative medications will be started.
  • The preoperative formalities are done.

B. In The Operation Theater for Liposuction Surgery:

1. Anesthesia:

  • A smaller body area can be contoured under local anesthesia, tumescent liposuction or with addition of sedation.
  • while multiple or large body areas or, Revision Liposuction surgery requires general anesthesia.
  • Qualified & experienced anaesthesiologist will be attending you for a higher safety purpose

2. Incision:

Tiny incisions are made in the hidden location at the periphery of the  liposuction targeted area.

once they heal, they are hardly visible.

3. Fluid Infiltration:

  • The surgeon will inject a highly diluted anaesthesia fluid (Tumescent) into the treatment area with the help of a specialized infiltrator.
  • The Infiltration amount depends on the quality and quantity of fat as well as the planning and technique to be use during surgery
  • Wait until fluid disperses into the operative areas.

4. Fat Aspiration:

  • Liposuction surgeon must be an expert to create a smooth desired body contour in a less traumatic way for a safe and comfortable recovery.
  • Fat removal surgery done by Various liposuction technologies as described above
  • A small cannula slides under the skin through tiny incisions
  • Rear-end is connected to the negative suction machine via a hollow tube
  • The cannula is moved back and forth in order to remove the fat cells.
  • Tiny incisions are closed with one or two buried stitches (closed drainage technique). In some cases, it is left open to drain (open drainage technique)
  • The incision areas are covered with gauze.

5. Liposuction Immediate Recovery

  • You will be shifted to the recovery room. Your vital will be monitored.
  •  You can go home, Once you’ve awakened fully from the anaesthesia,
  • You will be provided with pressure garments and post-liposuction surgery care instructions.
  •  The cosmetic surgeon  and the surgical staff will be there to assist you.

Liposuction Surgery Result is visible immediately and improvement goes on as follows

  • Immediately: There is a huge difference in your contour. Imagine how delighted your new look will be?
  • 1st week: Some swelling will be there, closed drainage will have more swelling. whereas open drainage will have less swelling,
  • 1stMONTH: Major liposuction result is visible over a month as the majority of the swelling has been reduced now.
  • 6th -8th MONTHS: A complete liposuction result and body contouring have been achieved.
  • 8th-12th MONTHS: Collagen synthesis and skin tightening take place.
  • The Liposuction surgery result is faster with open drainage technique compared to closed drainage technique.
  • In most of the patient, fat cell can increase in size but can’t multiply. Fat rarely comes back in the treated area
  • There is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the best and permanent results.

Liposuction Surgery Result Depends On

  • Number of area and amount of the fat to be removed.
  •  Primary or secondary surgery
  • Individual general condition and healing process.
  • Technique and technology used,
  • Purpose, and the end goal of the surgery and
  •  Expert Cosmetic  surgeon’s hand to a very extent.
  • One must follow liposuction surgeon advice to get best result.

  • DIET

Take as much liquid as possible once you are comfortable.
we recommend high protein, low fat and low carbohydrate diet.
As such there is no restriction on diet, but to achieve better result and sound recovery, please watch your weight. Try to stay 1-3 pounds lighter than your pre-surgical weight.


Propped up position maximise postoperative comfort. You can change your position and turn side by side. Keep your leg moving in bed


Depending on the extent of the liposuction and individual tolerance, you are advised to walk as much as possible on the day of evening once you are conscious.
One can do office like job in 2 to 3 days.
You can do cardio like activity in 7 to 10 days.
One can do heavy gym and jerky activity in 2 weeks’ time.


Pain is easily managed by pain killers;
One will have numbness till the late evening on the day of surgery. one will feel like something is done, One will feel stretching and pain like stretching, or while changing position, it is normal. You will have soreness on pressing the operative site.


Usually we follow the open drainage technique. Injected tumescent fluid, residual fat, broken tissue will come out from the tiny punctures and it will be blood stained. So tissue reaction, swelling, bruising and pain will be less, and recovery will be faster.
Amount and duration of the fluid discharge depends on the area of surgery and extent of fat removal. Normally it stops in a day or two. In case of mega liposuction, it may last longer.
In the hospital sister will do dressing. And you will be taught how to take care of dressing before discharge. Mild bruising may occur for 3 weeks after surgery.
If there is excessive bleeding or swelling or pain unrelieved by medication, please call the doctor immediately.


3 weeks -24 hours-can remove for bath and put back with seam on the outside.
3 weeks-10 to 12 hours
Avoid bending, Avoid wrinkle, wet cloth
Tighten the pressure garment, if it becomes loose
One may develop swelling distal to pressure garment on limb due to pressure, on removing pressure garment for short time swelling will reduce.
Wash in normal tap water. Don’t squeeze-avoid drier and sunlight- don’t iron -don’t hang.


Take bath after discharge is stopped in running water i.e. Shower bath (No bath in Bath tub).Make area dry and covers the wound with bandage. You may wash and dry the garment at the same time when you are showering


One can see huge the difference in shape immediate after surgery except in body sculpting liposuction, although it is a partial result. Initial 7 to 10 days, there is increase in swelling so result will be less visible. Over one month you will see most of the result as swelling reduces. Improvement in shape and skin tightening goes on for 6 to 8 month.


After the discharge ,you have to do postoperative visit  at 3 days , 7 days ,15 days and then after 1 month.


It is advisable to visit the clinic at 3 and 6 months after the operation. Inform doctor, if swelling, redness pain, hardness


Redness, swelling, pain, fever, bleeding or discharge Visit hospital immediately

Confirm your appointment +91 8291863159 

For a safe & comfortable liposuction surgery recovery:

  1. Follow your liposuction surgeon’s guidelines
  2. Take prescribed medicines regularly
  3. Visit the cosmetic surgery clinic as advised.

Fat removal surgery  smooth recovery depends on

  • Expertise of the cosmetic surgeon,
  • Your general health.
  • The extent of surgery
  • Primary or secondary surgery
  • The technology used

Lipoplasty recovery aliments

  • Pain – Pain is less with open drainage technique. As all broken fat and fluid  drains out there is less tissue edema and less pain .Some sort of discomfort viz., sore muscle after physical exercise can occur which can be sorted out effectively with the recommended medications. One must know associated pain or discomforts are just for a couple of days that improves with time itself followed by instruction measures given by the surgeon.
  • Diet –No restriction on diet, however, you are advised to maintain the weight to achieve the best liposuction surgery result. Of course, a high protein diet enhances a faster recovery.
  • Bruise – Bruising lasts for 2-3 weeks and it is comparatively quite less with an open drainage technique.

Physical Activity

One Can Start as Following:

  • Walking: Same Day, Walk as Much as Possible
  • Office Work: 2-3 Days
  • Driving: 3-4 Days
  • Cardio Activities: 7-10 Days
  • Heavy Exercise and Jerky Activity: After 2 -3 Weeks

Post liposuction surgery pressure garments:


  • Reduce pain, swelling
  • Reduces the chance of seroma as well as other complications.
  • Help in adapting new contours sculpted by the Lipoplasty.
  • Help skin to shrink.

One Has to Wear Compression Garment for:

  • 3 weeks 24/7 that can be removed at the time of taking a shower.
  • 3 more weeks for 10-12 hours a day.
  • For small liposuction, duration is shorter while for Mega liposuction duration may be longer.

Pressure garments Care

  • Avoid wrinkles
  • Wash in normal water,
  • don’t squeeze it
  • Don’t iron or dry in sunlight

Massage/ lymphatic drainage

  • Some doctor advises for faster recovery and start after 1 to 2 week of surgery.
  • Some time it is painful and cumbersome and time consuming.
  • Compared to closed technique, open drainage technique all broken fat and fluid is drain out, there is quite low tissue reaction and less edema. So massage or any machine treatment is not required.

Although very rare, liposuction surgery have same complication and risk like  any other surgery. Tumescent and vaser liposuction have reduced the complication risk.And the risk of complications increases with large volume or mega liposuction surgery or doing multiple procedures at the same operation session.

A. Liposuction Surgery specific complications:

  • Bleeding:

it is very rare as, blunt cannula is used for liposuction.

  • Seroma:

Accumulation of fluid is called a seroma. Small seroma gets absorbed by itself. This fluid may need to be drained with a needle. Open drainage technique reduces seroma

  • Infection:

Surgical site infection is rare but possible. A severe skin infection may be life-threatening

  • Contour irregularities:

Skin may look irregular, bumpy, or wavy due to uneven fat removal, poor healing, or thinly stretched skin. These changes may be permanent. Even difficult to reduce with revision

  •  Skin necrosis/ loss of skin
  • Spot/ pigmentations:

Skin may appear spotted, but rarely does it become permanent.

  • Numbness:

One may have temporary or permanent numbness in the operative hyperesthesia due to temporary nerve irritation is also possible.

  • Fat embolism:

Again, very rare, can happen with mega liposuction. Broken fat may travel through the blood and gather in the lungs or to the brain. A fat embolism is a medical emergency.

  • Kidney and heart problems:

As a large quantity of fluid is injected and suctioned out as it can cause potentially life-threatening kidney, heart, or lungs problem.

  • Lidocaine toxicity:

Lidocaine is an anesthetic drug in infiltration fluid. Although it is safe, in a rare circumstance, lidocaine toxicity can occur, causing serious heart and central nervous system problems.

  • Internal puncture:

It is extremely rare. A cannula can go too deep, may puncture an internal organ. This may require emergency surgical repair.

B. Anesthesia related complications:

Small reaction to major reaction or fluid imbalance can happen. And it is rarest rare death can happen.

There are 2 most important factors that reduce the risk & complications:

  1. Expert liposuction surgeon and
  2. Accredited cosmetic surgery center with advance life saving facility

Average Liposuction Surgery Cost At Allure Medspa Mumbai, India

ABDOMEN  80,000 to 1,10,000  1,00,000 to 1,30,000
LOVE HANDLE/LOWER BACK/HIP 50000-60000 70000-90000
UPPER BACK 50000-70000 70000-90000
DOUBLE CHIN 45000- 50000 50000-60000
ARM 50000-70000 70000-90000
SHOULDER 30000 -40000 40000-50000
 OUTER THIGH 50000-70000 70000-90000
INNER THIGH 50000-70000 70000-90000
ANTERIOR THIGH 50000-70000 70000-90000
KNEE 30000 -40000 40000-50000
CALF 60000-80000 80000-120000
ABDOMENN +LOWER BACK+BRA ROLL 120000- 140000 140000-160000
UPPER BACK + ARM 100000-120000 120000-140000
INNER THIGH +KNEE+ OUTER THIGH 120000-160000 140000-180000

  • Single Area Liposuction Cost Is More As It Need All Preoperative Preparation, Ot Charges, Post Care
  • Every Additional Area Liposuction surgery Cost is INR 30,000 to 40,000.
  • If One Go For Many Area – Liposuction Cost Becomes Comparatively Cheaper As Common Expenses Reduces
  • For The Safety Reason We Can Do Limited No Of Area In One Go, If Still More Area  Need Liposuction It Has To Be Done In Session
  • Above Shown Usual Combination Of Areas Treated In One Session.
  • Dr Doshi Will Examine You And Make Best Plan For You Considering Smooth Recovery Safety And Best Result.

Liposuction Surgery Cost in Mumbai will be more for:

  • Revision liposuction surgery.
  • large volume or Mega liposuction surgery
  • 6 pack, body contouring or high definition liposuction.

Liposuction Surgery Cost at Allure Medspa, Mumbai, India Includes

  • Dr. Milan Doshi’s Fee
  • Anesthesiologist fees
  • Medicines/consumables during Lipoplasty
  • Vardan Hospital facility & and up to 1-day stay charges
  • Laser or vaser liposuction surgery technology charges
  • Pressure Garment
  • Immediate post-operative follow-ups.

Liposuction Surgery Cost Does Not Include:

  • Preoperative fitness test
  • Post-operative medications (to be taken at home)
  • Cost arising due to any associated medical condition
  • Rare and unforeseen health circumstances experienced by the patients

Please note

  • Additional 18% GST By Govt Of India On All Cosmetic Surgery
  • Insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic surgery or a body contouring surgery cost
  • EMI facilities are also Available at Allure Medspa.

Are you looking for attractive figure/abdominal shape? Your diet and gym is not able to give you desired figure.You want to see you in varieties of dresses. You want to intermingle with family and friends with absolute confidence. You are determined to have alluring personality and live with the full potential.You know Mumbai and India is medical tourism destination because of affordable liposuction surgery cost

  • You know that there are many affordable cosmetic clinics in Mumbai and across India. They offer you World-class expert lipoplasty surgeon, NABH-certified cosmetic surgery center and genuine quality medical services.
  • The actual Vaser abdomen liposuction cost in India is anywhere between INR 1,00,000 and 2,00,000.Which is almost 1/3 of the western world(USD 4000 TO 6,000).
  • It attracts many NRI people and foreign nationals. Due to affordable cost of advance liposuction surgery, not only celebrities, people from all walks of life get their desired figure.

You start looking for the best liposuction surgery cost in Mumbai, India

  • It’s now a big surprise;
  • you got a wide variation in liposuction cost at
    • different clinics in Mumbai
    • even different cities in India
  • It adds to your confusion not only for the cost but safety  and the desired result of the liposuction surgery

You want to make a fool proof liposuction surgery planning to get attractive figure

  • As a millennial, you are not looking for just cheap Vaser/Laser liposuction surgery cost but a safe and memorable fine to fabulous transformation. You are looking to do it in one go with peace of mind.
  • You want to know, how various factors affect safety and total cost of body contouring surgery and how to get the best cost for liposuction surgery in Mumbai, India. Below is guide for the total Laser/Vaser liposuction surgery cost.
  • You want to know the total cost of vaser/laser/tumescent liposuction surgery cost in Mumbai, India.
  • Below is the all inclusive lipoplasty surgery cost at Allure Medspa in Mumbai, India. NABH certified Vardan hospital. sure you about safety, comfort and privacy.

  • Dr. Milan Doshi is an Indian board certified plastic cosmetic surgeon with more than 25 years of experience
  • Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Milan Doshi has credit for performing more than 3600+ liposuction surgeries in his career.
  • He regularly performs Laser, Vaser, and Power-assisted (Powerex) liposuction surgery. He recommends a particular technique as per your body type and goal of the surgery.
  • He has done VASER-assisted high-definition (VAHDL) liposuction or 4D liposuction for many celebrity clients.
  • Doshi has expertise in performing body contouring surgery and gives hourglass or ‘V’ shape figure.
  • He is a well-known name for Mega Liposuction Surgery. to reduce weight. And, he has also helped a lot of patients in improving their health & lifestyle.
  • Dr. Doshi’s artistic hand combines Nano fat graft and structural fat graft with liposuction and gives you a rejuvenated facial look; breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to enhance your beauty.
  • Dr. Milan Doshi has been recognized as the safesand trusted surgeon in Mumbai, India.
  • He is high on the demand, among the Bollywood celebrities because he consistently delivers unmatched body contouring results.

Link-know more about Dr. Milan Doshi

Allure Medspa Is The Best Cosmetic Center In Mumbai, India

  • It is owned by cosmetic surgeon Dr Milan Doshi himself .
  •  it is specially designed with good ambience for cosmetic surgery patients.
  •  The cosmetic surgery centre is at prime location at Andheri and Goregoan In Mumbai, India.
  • Allure Medspa, Cosmetic surgery clinic is at the heart of the Bollywood, which is easy to commute for pre- and post-operative visits.
  •  Whilst away from the glittering world, Goregaon cosmetic surgery centre assures you about the utmost privacy.
  • Goregaon cosmetic surgery center is NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers). It assures you about the best medical practice, safety, and comfortable recovery. We follow a stringent medical protocol for your safety.
  • Well equipped with an advance lifesaving armamentarium
  •  Goregaon cosmetic surgery Centre is with night stay facility. If you are opting for multiple areas, large volume or mega liposuction makes your transformation journey a safe and comfortable one
  • Real time 3d virtual consultation. You can have cosmetic surgery  consultation from anywhere in India or abroad
  • Tumescent, LASER, VASERand Power-assisted liposuction in Mumbai, India. All energy based liposuction technology under one roof.
  • The staffs at the cosmetic surgery centre are well-experienced to take all the post-operative care. They patiently guide you taking post-operative care of yourself before discharging to make your journey of fine to fabulous as well as a pleasant experience.
  • You can experience homely feeling at Allure Medspa.
  • Patient care coordinator is there to address any concern immediately and coordinate with the medical team to make your liposuction surgery planning, recovery smooth and safer.
  • If you are coming from outstation,
  1. we have special facilitation planning.
  2. Patient care coordinator is there to guide you for your visa, travel or vacation plan during your visit to Mumbai.
  3. You can request for a pick up facility to make your journey safe.

We Are Committed To Make Your Fine To Fabulous Journey A Memorable

Get Your Real Liposuction Surgery Cost at Allure Medspa in Mumbai, India

You have a busy life and time adjustment is difficult and more so you would not like to travel long before for consultation.  We value your time.  We bring the latest technology to the doorstep to make your journey comfortable.

Send us your photographs of the concerned area. Mention your medical history.  We can have a Online meeting where Dr. Milan Doshi will show you possible result, He can give you the most transparent cost of your liposuction surgery.

A transparent liposuction surgery cost is the first step to build trust for a long term relation. Our patient’s testimonials are real proof of our result, service and transparency.

You get vast variations in liposuction surgery cost at various cities, i.e., Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai, Hyderabad or Ahmadabad or any other major cities across India.
even different cosmetic surgery centers in andheri, Goregaon, colaba, chembur and across Mumbai metropolitan.

For example, tumescent liposuction surgery cost in India is:

ABDOMEN 75,000 1,50,000 1,00,000 4,000 To 5,000
ABDOMEN AND BACK (360 DEGREE) 1,10,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 6,000 To 8,000
ARM 50,000 80,000 60,000 2,500
HIP, BUTT, SADDLE BAG ( back as a unit) 1,10,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 6,000 To 8,000

Moreover, liposuction surgery cost in India will increases if

  • For mega liposuction or 6 pack body sculpting
  • If energy based devices like laser, vaser, power assisted or waterjet used.

There is 18% GST (govt. service tax on the bill) is extra

Note:Most of the health insurance plans do not cover any Cosmetic Surgery as well as not include any additional surgery cost or revision liposuction surgery cost.

These wide range of liposuction surgery prices in India, not only surprise you but create a lot of confusion. It’s about your safety and smooth recovery. It’s about life after achieving the desired body contour without complication. You would not like to regret afterward.

How Do Various Factors Affect the Liposuction Surgery cost in India?

There are 12 major factors affecting liposuction surgery cost and safty but, the two most uncompromising factors are:

  • Board-certified plastic cosmetic surgeon
  • NABH certified cosmetic surgery center with overnight facility

Other factors are:

  • Patient profile and extent of the surgery
  • Advance Liposuction Technology
  • Anesthesiologist Charge
  • Medicine
  • Pressure Garment
  • Support Team
  • Follow Up Visits:

1. The Patient’s Profile:

  • Number of body area: As the Number of area increases Liposuction Cost will Increase. Treating more then one area in one session will be cheaper. Many area should be treated in different for safety and may cost you more.
  • Large volume liposuction or Mega Liposuction surgery cost will be 20 to 30% more.
  • 6 pack abdomen liposuction or 4-D Liposuction Surgery cost will be 20 to 30 % more.
  • Revision liposuction surgery cost will be more.
  • Associated medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc. and need of a physician will cost extra.

2. The Expert Liposuction Surgeon:

Yes, the liposuction surgeon will be the core for the safe transformation of your look.


He must be an Indian board-certified plastic surgeonM.Ch. degree in plastic and reconstructive surgery in India. It is a highly sophisticated training program of 11 and half years for delicate handling of patient tissue. (5 and a half for M.B.B.S, 3 years of general surgery, and 3 more years of plastic surgery).


  • How many years the cosmetic surgeon is in practice?
  • Does he perform exclusive cosmetic surgery or he is a general plastic surgeon?
  • What is the number of cosmetic surgery or liposuction surgery he performed?


His membership with recognized national and international aesthetic plastic surgeon organizations like; ASPS, ISAPS, APSI, IAAPS, IMA, AMC, suggest that he is upgrading himself with the development of the medical field.


  • You can find out on social media review or
  • Can get referrals from your friends’ circle
  • The liposuction result
  • Follow-up care standard

Your comfort level

  • How much is it easy to approach?
  • Transparent behavior

One must select that cosmetic surgeon with whom one will feel comfortable.

3. Advance Liposuction Surgery Technology:

Most of the liposuction surgeons offer conventional/tumescent liposuction surgery. Advance technology like laser & vaser liposuction surgery cost will be 20 to 30 percent more.

4. Anesthesiologist Charge:

The qualified anesthesiologist makes you painless and monitors your vital parameters during lipoplasty surgery. His expertise is important for your safety.

5. Liposuction Surgery Centre:

There are many variables of liposuction surgery center. one should select the center on the basis of the safety and ease of follow up.
Premier hospital will have premium liposuction surgery cost in India

Is it a clinic/day care center / cosmetic surgery center / multispecialty hospital?

Cosmetic surgery center ambiance, cleanliness & hygiene make difference but hospital with night stay facility increases your safety

6. City

Tier 1 city or metro city like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai. Kolkata will have more cost. You get easy and frequent transportation. Medical infrastructure  and expertise is better compared to smaller cities.
You can enjoy your recovery time with plenty of options.

7. Location

Prime location will have more cost. you can have easy transportation and various tourist destinations nearby.

8. Liposuction surgery center Category

Hospital must be registered with local authority

ISO certification: they have their own set of protocol

NABH certification: they are following standard medical protocol advised by National Accreditation Board of Hospital

JCI certification: It follows international standards and is recognized by Joint Commission of International. Very few across India are recognized.

9. Support Team

Liposuction surgery Recovery is physically and emotionally a delicate period. CARING and supportive STAFF during and post-surgery follow-ups are important to make a comfortable recovery.

10. Pressure Garment:

Pressure garments are MUST for smooth body contouring surgery recovery. It also included as a cost enhancing factor in the procedure.

11. Medicine:

Medicines include anesthesia, surgical medicine, disposable, and consumables.

12. Follow Up Visits:

More the number of follow-up the more the cost of the lipoplasty would be.

Infographic: understand factors affecting liposuction surgery cost in, India

Enlargement of the breast tissues in man is known as Gynecomastia. For men, this is about embarrassment, not linked to any other health concern. Gynecomastia can be treated with a combination of the liposuction and removal of the gland through tiny inconspicuous incisions. Having liposuction surgery makes you eligible for trying any style and size of clothes as you no longer have to hide the things behind baggy clothes. Now, get beach ready and ready to shed your inhibitions and boost your confidence back with gynecomastia surgery. You can book your consultation at Allure Medspa for the surgery.

Q: What age can you get liposuction?
A: The person needs to be over 18 years of age and in good health. Age is no bar for the liposuction surgery.

Q: Can I be pregnant after liposuction surgery?
A: Yes, you can have a baby after the surgery. It is a superficial surgery not touching your uterus or any viscera.

Q: Is the procedure of liposuction painful?
A: During the procedure of liposuction, local or general anesthesia will be administered. One might feel a little discomfort after the surgery, which will subside with medication. Expert surgeon and advance technology are the key factors to minimise the pain

Q: Is bleeding after liposuction normal?
A: when open drainage technique is followed, the Drainage of bloody fluid from the incisions is common during the first 2-3 postoperative days.

Q: How much does liposuction cost in Mumbai?
A: The average cost of liposuction surgery in Mumbai ranges between INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000. The cost of liposuction in Mumbai (India) is quite low when compare to most of the countries.

Q: What can be the sequel of liposuction?
A: The sequel of liposuction can be experienced with the following:
Expert cosmetic surgeon, accredited surgical facility and advance technology reduces chances of any sequelly

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Bruising
  • Irregular pigmentation
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Change in skin sensation that may persist
  • Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, lungs, and abdominal organs
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Irregular contours or asymmetries
  • Rippling or loose skin, worsening of cellulite
  • Need for revision surgery
  • Persistent swelling.

Q: What is Liposuction?
A:Liposuction is a body contouring surgery where stubborn fat is removed from the various bodyarea through small tiny incision in hidden area.

Q: Is Liposuction safe?
A: Liposuction is very safe surgical procedure. 3 most important points for the safe liposuction surgery
– You must be physically fit to undergo surgery.
– You select a board certified, well experienced plastic cosmetic surgeon.
– It should be done at accredited hospital set up with staying facility if needed.

Q: Is liposuction worth it?
A:More than 90% patient who underwent liposuction surgery feel it is worth their money, time and effort.

Q: What is laser assisted liposuction?
A: Laser assisted liposuction means laser is used to melt fat just before fat suction during liposuction. The benefits of laser assisted liposuction reduces blood loss, reduces pain and tighten the skin, better body contouring and ultimately increase safety of liposuction surgery for you.

Q: Can I go for liposuction?
A: You can opt for liposuction if you want to get rid of stubborn fat or body contouring, you can go for liposuction surgery if you are:
– Physically fit.
– Above the age of 18 years.
– Emotionally fit to undergo surgery and recovery
– You have under stood the limitations of liposuction surgery and have realistic expectations.
– You are ready to maintain your weight to maintain the result of liposuction.

Q: Do liposuction scars go away?
A: In practice, liposuction scars becomes in conspicuous in 6 to 9 months. But in literal meaning once cut in skin, mark stays forever. Liposuction surgery is done through tiny punctures in hidden body area. Your cosmetic surgery will advice you about scar care and creams after surgery, so at the end scar is hardly visible.

Q: Does fat grow back after liposuction?
A: Fat does not grow back in same area after liposuction. After adult hood, fat cells doesn’t increase in number, they increase in size only. Liposuction removes fat cells, so fat will not grow back with same pace in the operated area. However, fat can grow in non operated area if you put on weight.

Q: How is liposuction done?
A: Small area or single area can be operated in local anesthesia while large area or multiple areas require general anesthesia. Small tiny punctures made at intended area, and the tissue become turgid with medicine to soften fat and to reduce blood loss. Tiny hollow tubes (cannula) introduced through the puncture . Second end of the cannula is attached to the negative suction machine to suck out the fat, experienced surgeon and his artistic skills is the most important to get the best result of liposuction.

Q: How long should I wear compression garment after liposuction?
A: Routinely we advice pressure garment for 24 hours for first 3 weeks ,one can remove during bathing 10 to 12 hours of your choice for 3 more weeks, However it is best to follow your operating surgeon advice to get best recovery and result.

Q: How laser liposuction works?
A: Laser is energy base device where laser energy is converted to heat , which melt the fat and stimulate collagen synthesis and do coagulation of small blood vessels .melted fat is removed with small cannula. Laser liposuction has less blood loss, less pain and improve skin quality and tighten the skin.

Q: How safe is laser liposuction?
A: Laser liposuction is very safe body contouring procedure if performed by an expert plastic cosmetic surgeon at accredited hospital set up.

Q: What is laser liposuction procedure?
A: Laser liposuction is a type of liposuction procedure where medically approved laser is used to melt the fat tissue during liposuction surgery. There are various wave length of laser used in liposuction surgery. They selectively melt the fat without affecting surrounding tissue negatively. The melted fat is removed with small cannula. Laser liposuction has less blood loss, less pain and improves skin quality and tightens the skin. Sono Bello is a laser liposuction procedure. 

Q: Can all the areas be targeted with liposuction?
A: Almost all the areas can be shaped by liposuction; liposuction surgeon will examine you and can tell how many areas can be safely treated at one session.

Q: Will Liposuction correct everything?
A: More or less liposuction can correct any localized fat deposit and gives you an alluring figure. The visceral fat, which is surrounding vital organs in your abdomen, cannot be removed with surgery. An associated weight reduction measure will remove the visceral fat.

Q: Does fat return after liposuction?
A: During the procedure, the fat cells are removed from the areas which are targeted. In fact, the fat cell doesn’t multiply; they can only increase in size, so the chances of gaining fat in the treated area are very less. If one gains weight, it will be visible in non-treated areas as you gain weight in normal circumstances. However, there is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle; one is expected to maintain the weight for long term results.

Q: Is it true that fat cells never go away?
A: Just like other cells in our body, fat cells die and get replaced. With weight loss, the size of the fat cells reduces. It does not move away completely, but with the liposuction procedure, fat cells cannot be replaced. They are removed from the body completely.

Q: What is the limitation of liposuction?
A: Liposuction is for localized fat deposits; it is not for global obesity. The body-contouring surgery cannot tighten poor quality skin or lose muscle after massive weight loss or pregnancy, it neither removes stretch marks or improve poor quality skin, which requires excision surgery like a tummy tuck or body lift depending on the area of concern.

Q: Is it possible to remove cellulite with liposuction?
A: Yes, VASER SMOOTH technology can melt superficial fat safely and it is possible to minimize the amount of cellulite “orange peel” appearance in the area with liposuction.

Q: Does liposuction remove stretch marks?
A: Liposuction is body contouring surgery. It will not remove the stretch marks. However, laser treatment help to reduce stretch marks.

Q: How long after liposuction will I see results?
A: You can see improved body contouring immediate post-surgery. complete liposuction result is visible in 4 to 6 months. You can see faster result with open drainage technique.

Q: Does liposuction result is the long term?
A: Liposuction results are generally long-lasting as long as you maintain your weight. If you gain weight after liposuction, your fat distribution may change.

Q: What is the best surgery for belly fat?
A: it depends on your BMI and body fat distribution,
If your BMI is less than 30 liposuction or tummy tuck is better, if your BMI is more than 35, weight loss surgery is better .

Q: Why is my stomach still big after liposuction?
A: Liposuction cannot reduce your visceral fat. So if the visceral fat is more or individual gain weight after liposuction, there may be an increase in the “visceral” fat that surrounds the abdominal organs.

Q: How dangerous is liposuction?
A: Liposuction is a skill demanding surgery, and should not be taken lightly or can be dangerous. Liposuction surgery with an experienced surgeon hand at an accredited centre is quite safe.

Q: Can I get liposuction on my stomach?
A: Yes, if you are physically and emotionally fit and you have extra fat on tummy, love handle, and back. You can have a nice shape with the help of liposuction.

Q: Is tummy tuck or lipo better?
A: Though Liposuction is great for flat & smooth Stomach as it removes extra fat at the stomach when the skin is loose, when the muscle tone is lost Tummy Tucks is better

Q: Which is more dangerous lipo or tummy tuck?
A: Liposuction is a straightforward procedure that carries a little risk or recovery downtime. Lipoabdominoplasty is a more extensive procedure and liposuction is a part of the modern tummy tuck.

Q: What can you not do after liposuction?
A: After liposuction, avoid staying stationary, taking blood thinners, vigorous exercise, don’t avoid pressure garment after surgery, and keep your body hydrated.

Q: How long after liposuction can I workout?
A: Recommends that patients can start or restart cardio like activity within 10 days and heavy exercise regimen about 2 to 3 weeks after liposuction.

Q: Does my insurance cover liposuction?
A: Health insurance plans do not cover liposuction surgery or its complications.

Q: How much does liposuction cost in India?

A: The AVERAGE cost of liposuction SURGERY in India ranges between INR 100,000(USD 1205) to INR 250,000(3,012 USD).
Vaser/laser LIPOSUCTION COST in India is:

  1. STOMACH /Abdomen (upper and lower included) – INR 120000 to 140000 (1,446 USD to 1687 USD).
  2. Thighs (inner OR outer) INR 90,000 to 110,000 (1084 USD to 1325 USD ).
  3. Thighs (inner AND outer) INR 120,000 to 140000 (1,446 USD to 1687 USD).
  4. Hips/ Love handles INR 120,000 to 140000 (1,446 USD to 1687 USD).

Q: How much does Liposuction surgery cost for the stomach in India?

A: Cost of Vaser/Laser liposuction surgery in India for stomach/abdomen (upper and lower included) is INR 120000 to 140000 (1,446 USD to 1687 USD).

Q: How much does liposuction 360 cost?

A: Cost of 360 vaser/laser liposuction in Mumbai, India is USD 2000(INR 150,000) to USD 2500 (INR 200,000).
360 liposuction means treating the abdomen plus sides, waistline, flanks, and bra fat; a full 360° circumferential treatment of the torso area.

Q: What are the side effects of liposuction Surgery?

A: Occasional side effect of liposuction  are:

  • Lumpy and uneven contour
  • Bleeding under the skin (haematoma, more bruise)
  •  temporary or persistent numbness
  • Changes in skin colour in the treated areas
  • Pulmonary oedem due to the fluid injected into the body
  • A blood clot or fat in the lungs (termed embolism)
  • Injury to  the internal organs .

Any kind of operation tends to carry a small risk of:

  •  bleeding
  • Developing a blood clot in a vein
  • Infection
  • An allergic reaction to the anesthesia given

Q: Is liposuction high risk surgery?

A: Like any surgery liposuction carries certain risk. One can reduce risk significantly by selecting expert cosmetic surgeon, NABH recognized center where medical protocols are followed stringently and advance technique of liposuction surgery.

Q: How painful is liposuction recovery?

A: During the first few days of recovery, you can expect moderate pain and soreness. Your pressure garment and  pain medication make this discomfort manageable. so follow your medication schedule closely. You should plan to limit your activity during this time as well.

Q: How much fat can liposuction remove?

A: One can remove 5 kg or 11 pound safely.  Expert  liposuction surgeon frequently remove fat up to 10 liters (Large volume liposuction) or more than 10 liters (mega liposuction) . yes there is little more chance of complications.

Q: Will liposuction flatten my stomach?

A: Liposuctions reduce stomach fat and slim it better than any other procedure available (non surgical lipolysis procedure like cool sculpting, ultrasound, laser, and vela shape).

Q: How long do liposuction results last?

A: Liposuction results are generally long lasting as long as you maintain your weight. If you gain weight after liposuction, fat will not come so fast in the same area but can accumulate in other body areas in short body fat distribution will change.

Q: Does fat grow back after lipo?

A: Once the fat is removed from an area, it does not grow back. Fat cells cannot increase in number but can increase in size. If weight increases after lipo, fat distribution will change.

Q: Does Lipo leave scars?

A: Liposuction involves several tiny holes in strategic area in when they heal, do leave tiny scars. These scars are not usually visible to the naked eye.

Q: Why is liposuction so painful?

A: Much of the swelling and soreness after liposuction is the result of residual blood tinged anesthetic solution that remains trapped under the skin after liposuction. Vaser liposelection and open drainage technique where fluid get drained through the tiny holes, pain, bruise and swelling is significantly lower.

Q: Is liposuction successful in India?

A: Liposuction is safe and successful if done with expert cosmetic plastic surgeon in India. Your cosmetic surgeon should be m.ch. In plastic surgery and should have good experience. One should look for his patient reviews and testimonial to make liposuction surgery successful in India.

Q: Is liposuction surgery permanent?

A: If liposuction is done with expert cosmetic plastic surgeon, it shows marked reduction in targeted area of stubborn fat and improved body shape. Fat will not come at same area so easily; however one has to maintain weight to maintain the result.

Q: Does liposuction ruin your body?

A: Liposuction does not ruin your body.  In expert cosmetic plastic surgeons hand liposuction complications affecting your look negatively are rare.  If one gain weight after liposuction, fat will accumulate in other area which you may not like it.

Q: Is liposuction a good way to lose weight?

A: Liposuction is not a good way to lose weight. Liposuction is basically body shaping procedure. As fat is removed only from the targeted area over all weight loss is not much.

Q: Is Vaser liposuction permanent?

A: Liposuction removes fat cells from the targeted area. As fat cells can increase in size but cant in numbers so practically result is permanent provided you maintain your weight.

Q: Is Vaser Lipo better than regular lipo?

A: VASER is USA FDA approved ultrasound technology for liposuction. Which selectively melt the fat cell without affecting surrounding structural tissues? Is also called ”LIPOSELECTION”.

So there is less pain, less blood loss, speedy recovery.

Q: Does Vaser Lipo tighten skin?

A: Yes, vaser lipo tighten the skin. Vaser is ultrasound liposuction technology selectively melt the fat. It melts the fat below skin and stimulates the collagen which leads to skin tightening.

Q: Is Vaser Lipo the best?

A: Vaser Lipo is one of the best liposuction technology. Which selectively melt the fat  cell without affecting surrounding structural tissues. Is also called ” liposelection”. So there is less pain, less blood loss, speedy recovery. It also stimulate the collagen synthesis leads to skin tightening. Better and precise control reduces surgeons fatigue and help to get desired shaping.

Q: How long does it take to see the results of liposuction?

A: One can see liposuction result immediately after surgery. As swelling reduces you can see better and better. Final result will be visible after 6 to 8 months.

Q: Do you see immediate results after liposuction?

A: You can see result immediately after liposuction surgery.  Result will improve as swelling reduces. Final result will be visible in 6 to 8 months.

Q: How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

A: Liposuction removes fat from the targeted area not from the whole body. You will not see major weight loss but see major inch loss from the operated area.

Q: How can I flatten my stomach after liposuction?

A: Liposuction removes somatic fat so your tummy becomes flat. (Pinch able fat). Liposuction will not remove visceral fat. That you have to reduce with weight loss measures.

Q: Is liposuction worth the money?

A: More than 60 percent of patients are very happy .and more than 30 percent are happy with the lipo body contouring surgery.

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Note: The author of this content is Dr. Milan Doshi, An Indian board-certified plastic & cosmetic Surgeon wholly & solely confirms the authenticity of the information & knowledge delivered by this write-up.