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What Are the Best Dark Circle Treatments and Understand the Cost

Doctor Author
Author- Dr Shweta Sawalka Nangalia
Dr Shweta Sawalka Nangalia, Best Cosmetic dermatologist in Mumbai, India

Indian Board Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist



Are those heavy, puffy circles under your eyes bothering you even after a good night’s sleep? Dark circles can be triggered by a number of eyelid problems, so a thorough review is essential to decide how he can best assist you. Some treatments, such as injectable fillers, lasers, and peels, may require surgery, while others may require in-office procedures.

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There are a number of contributing factors for dark circles. Some common causes of include:


Another common cause of dark circles under your eyes is natural ageing. Your skin gets thinner when you grow older. You also lose the fat and collagen needed to keep your skin supple. The dark blood vessels under your skin become more apparent as a result, darkening the region under your eyes.


The development of dark circles under your eyes is also influenced by your family background. It may be an inherited trait that shows up as early as childhood and can intensify or disappear as you get older. Dark circles under the eyes can also be caused by predispositions to other medical conditions, such as thyroid disease.


Dark circles can appear under your eyes as a result of oversleeping, intense exhaustion, or simply staying up a few hours past your usual bedtime. Sleep deprivation will make your skin look dull and pale, revealing dark tissues and blood vessels underneath the surface.

Sleep deprivation may also cause fluid to accumulate under your eyes, making them puffy. As a consequence, your dark circles may be shadows cast by your puffy eyelids.

Eye strain

Staring at a television or computer screen for long periods of time can put a lot of pressure on your eyes. Blood vessels around your eyes can expand as a result of this stress. The skin around your eyes can darken as a result. Myopia (refraction error – short sightedness) can also cause pressure on the eyes if not handled at the appropriate time.


Dark circles may be caused by allergic reactions and eye dryness. As a response to harmful bacteria, the body releases histamines when you have an allergic reaction. Histamines cause the blood vessels to dilate and become more noticeable under your skin, in addition to causing unpleasant symptoms like itchiness, redness, and puffy eyes.

Allergies will make you want to scratch and rub the itchy skin around your eyes. These acts can aggravate your symptoms by causing inflammation, swelling, and blood vessel breakage. Dark shadows can appear underneath your eyes as a result of this.


Dark circles under your eyes are often caused by dehydration. When your body is dehydrated, the skin under your eyes becomes dull and your eyes seem sunken. Because of their near proximity to the underlying bone, this is the case.

Overexposure to the sun

Excessive sun exposure will cause your body to produce too much melanin, the pigment that gives your skin colour. Too much sun, especially around your eyes, may darken pigmentation in the surrounding skin.

Personal habits

Smoking and Alcohol consumption.

  • Fat pockets on the lower eyelids that are noticeable (bulging fat pockets, eye bags)
  • Volume loss along the infraorbital rim (tear trough deformity):

Hollowing or volume loss along the lower eyelid region may cause dark circles. Because of the shadowing effect, the hollowing creates a concavity or “trough” that appears dark. Hyperpigmentation is usually treated by injecting a kind of dermal filler into the lid-cheek junction and the midface. Fillers can be synthetic, such as hyaluronic acid agents, or they can be obtained from the patients themselves by fat grafting from their abdomen.

  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin -which can be caused by certain medications or genetic predisposition).
  • Skin that is thin enough to reveal the underlying muscle and blood vessels.
  • Allergies or rosacea in the background

Fluid build-up around the eyelids, eye bags, and dark circles are all symptoms of allergies. It is critical to recognise this because surgery, fillers, and other treatments will exacerbate the problem. Rosacea can cause dark circles and swelling around the cheeks and midface region.

  • Sinusitis, is an infection in the sinus spaces.
  • Skin disease: xanthelesmapalpebarum (fat accumulation around the eyes), syringomas, dryness around the eyes, rubbing of the skin around the eyes (frictional dermatitis)

To be honest, even though you’ve spent your entire life meticulously caring for your skin, we’re all going to show signs of ageing at some point – and that includes under-eye bags and dark circles.

Veins will eventually start to show through the thin skin around your eyes, regardless of what kind of skin you have or what good habits you uphold. Since we already know that exposure to the sun accelerates the breakdown of collagen, developing controlled and regular sunblock application patterns from a young age is your strongest weapon against under-eye circles.

The best habits, however, can’t change your genes! Genetics are the biggest determinant of what kind of skin we will have and what we’ll look like as we age. Those of us that have inherited fair or thin skin tend to show under circles more easily than others due to the fact that when our blood pools in the capillaries under our eyes, it’s simply more obvious through lighter skin.

Unfortunately, when more blood collects there, the fragile capillaries expand and strain under the strain, resulting in more leaking and blood pooling – and eventually, even deeper under-eye circles.

Others, though, have dark under eye circles and bags that aren’t affected by age, sun exposure, or genetics. It’s also just a case of allergies. Year-round allergies, such as those to dust or mould, as well as seasonal allergies, which many of us encounter in the spring, cause histamines to be released, causing an inflammatory reaction. Our blood vessels, like those under our eyes, become inflamed and swell as a result.

The diagnosis of periorbital hyperpigmentation was made clinically, and the patients were categorised according to Ranu et al classification’s


A curved band of brownish to black pigmentation on the skin of the lower eyelids that approximates the outline of the orbital surface, with upper eyelid involvement.


Irregular patches of brownish or grey pigmentation on the upper, lower, or both eyelids, with lichenification, skin crease accentuation, and eczematous papules or patches in the surrounding areas. There may or may not be a personal or family history of atopy.


Erythema involving the inner part of the lower eyelids with prominent capillaries or telangiectasia (capillaries) or bluish discoloration of the lower eyelid with clear bluish veins that becomes more prominent when the overlying skin is stretched. This dark circle tends to be caused by a combination of the overlying skin’s transparency and dermal vascularity.

Shadow impac:

A dark shadow under an overhanging tarsal muscle, eye bags, or a deep tear trough over the medial portion of the inferior orbital rim that vanishes when exposed to direct light.


POH from other causes including anemia, hormonal disturbances, nutritional deficiencies, acanthosis nigricans, skin laxity, associated chronic illness, habits, etc.

Grading of POH was done in comparison to surrounding skin as follows:

0 – skin colour comparable to other facial skin areas,

1 – Faint pigmentation of infraorbital fold,

2 – Pigmentation more pronounced,

3 – Deep dark colour, all four lids involved,

4 – Grade 3+ pigmentation spreading beyond infraorbital fold.


Detail background information, as well as Blood tests are recommended after examining the skin around the eyes with a skin scope to determine if the pigmentation is superficial or deep.

To decide whether pigmentation is epidermal or dermal, a Skin Scope examination may be performed. If there isn’t any pigmentation, it’s because of dermal pigmentation or vascularity. If there is a pigment accentuation, that is because of superficial pigmentation. The eyelid stretch test was performed, and if the dark circles improved, it was determined that skin laxity was the cause. If dark circles get darker, it’s because of increased subdermal vascularity.

If the dark circles don’t go down, it’s probably due to epidermal and/or dermal pigmentation. Due to the shadow effect, direct lighting was used to distinguish the dark circles.

Complete blood count, for example, to rule out anaemia, IgE levels if there is a history of allergy, serum TSH for thyroid disorders if signs are present or if there is a family history of thyroid disorders, SGPT, serum cholesterol, and spontaneous blood sugar.

Individuals who are in reasonably good health and have a reasonable expectation of what the operation can do are the ideal candidates for dark circle therapy. Those with excess fat pockets and/or volume loss in the infraorbital rim may benefit from surgery or in-office procedures. The majority of patients will benefit from any form of treatment (whether surgery or non-surgery).

At your consultation, will perform an eyelid and facial examination and then discuss options based on your individualized findings. Dark circles or under eye bags can be caused by several factors and each one has different ways for correction. Dr. Shweta will discuss your diagnosis and treatment options during your consultation.

Experiment with the following routines to see which one best fits your needs. When trying out a new routine, remember to be patient and consistent. For 4 to 6 weeks, do the routine every day. If you really don’t see the results you expect after that period, try the next practice to see if it works better for minimizing dark under eye bags and circles.

The root cause of dark eye circles determines how to treat them. There are, however, several home remedies that can aid in the management of this disease. The following are some of the more popular methods:

  • Apply a cold compress to the affected area: A cold compress can help shrink dilated blood vessels and minimise swelling. This will help to reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. Wrap a clean washcloth around a few ice cubes and place it over your eyes. For the same result, dampen a washcloth with cold water and place it on the skin under your eyes for 20 minutes. If the cloth becomes warm or the ice melts, repeat the process.
  • Have some extrarest: Sleep deprivation may also contribute to the development of dark circles. Sleep deprivation will make your skin look pale, highlighting your dark circles. Allow yourself seven to eight hours of sleep a night to avoid dark circles.
  • Raise your head: Although sleep deprivation can contribute to the appearance of dark bags under your eyes, it’s also important to consider how you sleep. Elevate your head with a few pillows to prevent fluid from pooling under your eyes, which can cause puffiness and swollen appearances.
  • Infuse with tea bags: Cold tea bags may be used to enhance the look of your skin. Caffeine and antioxidants in tea can help to increase blood circulation, shrink blood vessels, and minimize liquid accumulation under the skin. For five minutes, soak two black or green tea bags in hot water. Enable them to chill for 15 to 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Apply the teabags to your closed eyes for 10 to 20 minutes after they’ve cooled. Rinse your eyes with cold water after removing the contact lenses.
  • Use makeup to conceal yourself: Although makeup and cosmetics cannot completely eliminate dark eye circles, they do help to conceal them. Dark marks may be concealed with concealers so that they blend in with your natural skin tone. However, as in any topical procedure or cosmetic, exercise caution. Some products can aggravate your symptoms and even cause an allergic reaction. Avoid using any topical medication right away if you start to have unusual symptoms and make an appointment with your doctor.

Based on the underlying cause, we will decide the best treatment option. It is important for the patient to realise that each treatment is tailored to a particular cause, depending on the treatment recommended.

After the treatment, avoid exposure to the sun or contaminants that may damage your skin.

Some prescription therapies to minimise the presence of dark circles are available for a more reliable and long-term solution. The following are some of the more popular methods:

  • chemical peels to reduce pigmentation
  • arginine peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Electroporation
  • Laser surgery to resurface the skin and enhance skin tightening
  • Medical tattoos to inject pigment into thinning skin areas
  • Injectable dermal fillers to conceal blood vessels and melanin that are causing skin discoloration beneath your eyes.
  • Fat injections to fill up the space or fat removal to remove excess fat and skin, revealing a smoother and more even surface (liposuction)
  • Fractional laser treatment
  • PRP for treatment of dark circles
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL)
  • Surgery (eyelid surgery) for treating dark circles
  • surgical implants of fat or synthetic products
  • Combination of procedures for thin skin

Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure, discuss your options with a doctor. Invasive medical treatments can be expensive, painful, and often require a long recovery time.

Chemical peels

Mild peels like glycolic peels are done every week for around 12-15 sessions, which helps in reduction of the under eye pigmentation.

Arginine peels 

Strong peels like retinol peel and cosmelan peel can also be done depending on the severity of the pigmentation. 


Exfoliates the top layer of the skin, promoting the growth of new cells. When hyperpigmentation is the cause of dark circles, chemical peels and microdermabrasion are especially successful.


Electroporation is a procedure that uses a mild current to improve the penetration of a drug, cream, or even moisturiser added to the skin.


The Pico laser will help you look younger by growing the appearance of dark circles and making your skin look younger. Overproduction of the pigment melanin causes some under-eye circles. The Pico laser reduces the appearance of melanin by using gentle pressure waves that do not damage the surrounding tissue. Collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity and suppleness, are both stimulated by the drug.

Medical tattoos

Under eye concealer tattooing is similar to other permanent makeup procedures in that the ink is injected into the skin with the aid of a cosmetic tattoo gun. The pigment sits one layer under the skin, acting as a barrier between the underlying source of darkness and the skin’s surface. A particular form of pigment is used in medical tattooing procedures. These pigments are completely non-irritating and non-toxic. The ink remains in the dermal skin layer until it is injected.

Injectable fillers

Fillers inserted into the lower lids will definitely help with volume loss and dark circles associated with ageing. Fillers can also aid in the reduction of hyperpigmentation which is often associated with dark circles.

Fillers are injected into the lower lids in the clinic with the aid of a topical anaesthetic cream. The operation can be completed in as little as 30 minutes, and patients are normally able to return home without any complications. Swelling normally begins the evening or the next day, and in most cases, the majority of the swelling and bleeding, if any, subsides within a few days.

Fat injections

Fat grafting is another minimally invasive way to rejuvenate the under-eye region. The patient’s fat is harvested in small amounts, usually around the flanks or hips. After that, the fat is extracted and injected into the under-eye region. A fat graft’s effects last longer than injectable dermal fillers.

Fractional Laser Treatment

The Madonna Lift is an eyelift procedure that improves dark circles by using fractional laser resurfacing. Fractional lasers remove microscopic portions of old skin fibres, allowing the body to regenerate new, healthier tissue. This treatment also increases collagen development, making the skin smoother and firmer.

The Madonna Lift can be used to treat wrinkles and loose skin around the eyes, among other beauty issues.

PRP treatment for dark circles

PRP therapy, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, is a non-surgical, natural treatment for under-eye circles. The doctor would take the patient’s blood and isolate the platelet-rich plasma, which includes a growth factor that promotes skin regeneration and repair, during the PRP procedure. These activities will improve skin quality and lead to a reduction in visible signs of ageing.

The regenerative serum is injected into the problem areas, such as under the eyes in the case of PRP for dark circles care. This will aid in tissue regeneration and repair.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Like lasers, IPL uses light to rejuvenate skin and eliminate dark circles; however, instead of destroying the outer layer of skin, it seals off any capillaries or veins under the skin surface, allowing them to disappear. To see measurable results, you’ll need many procedures.

Blepharoplasty Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a long-term treatment for dark circles and sagging under the eyes. Excess skin and fat under the eyes are removed or repositioned during the operation. The fatty tissue is redistributed to prevent the eyes from appearing empty. The end result is a young, smooth look. The scar is totally concealed since the incision is made around the inside of the eyelid.

Surgical implants

Surgical implants made up from silicone are often inserted in the hollow space under the eye/upper cheek to correct tear trough deformity which eliminates dark circles also. It is placed over the bone by making a single incision on the outside of the eyelid. There is no visible scarring and the results are permanent. This procedure can be clubbed with other facial surgeries like facelifts, eyelid surgery etc.

Combination of procedures for thin skin

Patients with thin skin who also have volume loss or excess fat pockets may benefit from a combination of treatments. Because of the thin skin, the underlying blood vessels around the fat pockets may become transparent, ‘darkening’ the skin. In such cases, a combination of procedures, such as injectable fillers combined with a chemical peel to enhance hollowing, or blepharoplasty surgery combined with a chemical peel to extract excess fat pockets, may be recommended. Chemical peels can help tighten the skin on the lower lids and promote collagen production. Chemical peels are effective in patients who have mild skin pigment changes or light wrinkles as a result of normal ageing.

Since each person is unique, each treatment will come with its own set of after-care instructions. In general avoid going out in sun and use sunscreen all the time.

  • Injectable fillers: After dark circle therapy, icing is recommended to help minimise swelling that will only last a few days.
  • Laser therapy: Some redness and swelling is normal after the treatment which will go naturally in few days.
  • Chemical peels and Microdermabrasion: some redness and burning sensation might last for couple of days. Your doctor will tell you exact procedures to manage them.

Allure MedSpa which is renowned for its state-of-the-art internationally acclaimed services, offers affordable and cost effective weight-loss and cosmetic contouring procedures. To know more about the cost of your procedure request a consult by clicking this link. Your consultation is your chance to ask questions about Face Rejuvenation treatments and put your mind at rest. Our surgeons and cosmetologists will be there to offer full explanations and answers to all of your queries.

If you are wondering which treatment works best for your dark circles, a dermatologist can assist you in making that decision as their in-depth medical knowledge could help in determine which procedure would give promising results. With all procedures, side effects are possible. In the skilled hands of a board-certified dermatologist, side effects tend to be minor and temporary.

Dr. Shweta is one of the most renowned names in the cosmetic treatment in Mumbai served thousands & thousands of patients happily, including Bollywood celebrities and many patients from out of the country. Treating dark circles requires a deep medical knowledge and years of experience as these lesions might be similar to other conditions as well. Dr. Shewta’s credentials are your best option for getting a correct diagnosis followed by a customized treatment plan.

As you have read, there are lots of options for the treatment of dark circles. “One size fits all” is no more a concept now. Different faces need different set of options and only a well-seasoned doctor could identify what set of treatment could work for you. She has expertise in solving the issue of dark circles, especially those that need cosmetic attention. She has extensive experience and expertise in performing cosmetic procedures like laser therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, CO2 laser and many more with delivering optimum results with 110% patient satisfaction every single time.

We at Allure Med spa in India, have world-class facilities in place to cater to your every need when it comes to cosmetic treatment. Here we have dedicated to the best results and the best medical centre for skincare treatment in India. If you have decided upon undergoing dark circle treatment in India, Allure Medspa is an excellent choice for you.

To learn more about dark circle treatment and find out if it’s right for you, call our clinic AllureMedspa in Andheri West, Mumbai, to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shweta.

Allure Medspa is a NABH and ISO-certified hospital with the high levels of safety standards.

Or you can book an appointment using the online system.

Today, we are here with virtual consultation even in this quarantine: 


Q: What is the best treatment for dark circles under the eyes?
A: There are many home remedies like applying cold compression or tea bags under your eyes or getting enough sleep that can temporarily fix your dark circles. However, for permanent results, you should visit your dermatologist to get your dark circles treated with professional methods like fat injections, fillers, chemical peels, laser therapy, etc.
Q: Can dark circles be removed by treatment?
A: Yes, dark circles can be very effectively reduced by dermatologist performed treatments like laser therapy, fat injections, fillers, PRP injections, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and many more. Your dermatologist will guide you on which one to select according to your condition.

Q: How much does dark circle removal cost?
A: The cost for removing your dark circles depends on what procedure you select. Apart from this, there are some other factors also responsible for determining your dark circle removal cost. They are:
– Medication prescriptions
– Fees for your doctor
– NABH accredited center
– Consumables used during your procedure

Q: Can dark circles be removed by laser treatment?
A: Yes, dark circles can be removed by laser treatment. The Pico laser reduces the concentration of melanin (which causes your dark circles) by using gentle pressure waves that do not damage your surrounding tissue. This reduces your dark circles and makes you younger looking also.

Q: How can I get rid of dark circles in 5 minutes?
A: To get rid of your dark circles quickly, you can put some ice wrapped in a cloth under your eyes. This cold compression will reduce your swelling and will constrict the dilated blood vessels. This will in turn improve your puffy eyes and help eliminate dark circles.

Q: What Vitamin Am I lacking if I have dark circles under my eyes?
A: You might be lacking vitamin B12, D, E, and K if you have dark circles under your eyes. These vitamins are essential for the regular healing of your skin. The absence of them can sunken your under-eye area and cause/aggravate your dark circles.

Q: How can I get rid of dark circles in 2 days?
A: There are plenty of home remedies like applying ice wrapped in a cloth under your eyes or taking sufficient rest, so that you can try to get rid of your dark circles in 2 days. However, not all home remedies suit everyone and the results are also for a short time.

Q: How can I remove dark circles permanently at home?
A: You cannot remove dark circles at home permanently. Home remedies like applying a tea bag, or ice under your eyes or getting enough sleep, etc. does not produce significant results in removing your dark circles. To remove your dark circles permanently, consult your dermatologist for getting proper treatment.

Q: Which acid is best for dark circles?
A: Hyaluronic acid is considered the best acid to treat your dark circles. It hydrates and plumps up your skin, which gives you a radiant glow with a youthful look. Brightening your skin helps to mask the darkness under your eyes.

Q: Are fillers good for dark circles?
A: Dermal fillers are very routinely used to treat dark circles. Dermal fillers can fill up your sunken eyes, causing dark circles. Once your eyes are puffed up you look younger as your dark circles are not visible.

Q: Do celebrities get fillers?
A: Due to technological advances, it is now affordable for both celebrities and the common public to get dermal fillers. They feel and look natural and are highly customizable according to your needs.

Q: Can you go blind from under eye filler?
A: In normal cases, you cannot go blind from getting filler under your eyes. Improper technique by ill-trained doctors can lead to blockage of a blood vessel supplying to your eyes. This can, although very rarely lead to blindness. Therefore, it is important to select a highly trained and experienced doctor for your treatment.

Q: Can a dermatologist remove dark circles?
A: Yes, a dermatologist is a correct doctor that can remove your dark circles. They have extensive training and knowledge of the ailments of your skin. Dermatologists can perform numerous methods like chemical peeling, laser therapy, microdermabrasion, etc. to treat your dark circles permanently.

Q: Is Vitamin K Good for dark circles?
A: Yes, vitamin K is good for your dark circles as they help in the healing of the damaged tissues. As your skin heals, the swelling gets reduced and your eyes start to lift up.

Q: What vitamin is good for puffy eyes?
A: Vitamin B12, D, E, and K are good for your puffy eyes. These vitamins promote skin healing which reduces your dark circles. These vitamins also strengthen your blood vessels, which in turn improves your blood circulation. Improved blood circulation reduces your swelling and depuffs your sunken eyes.

Q: What vitamins help eye bags?
A: Vitamin B12, D, E, and K help to treat your eye bags. These vitamins improve your blood circulation and promote skin healing.

Q: Is Lemon Juice Good for dark circles under the eyes?
A: Yes, lemon juice is good for the dark circles under your eyes as it is high in vitamin C. You can apply a few drops of lemon juice under your eyes using your fingertip or a cotton ball. Leave it for a few minutes before rinsing.

Q: Can Lemon remove dark spots?
A: Lemons have excellent bleaching properties. Apply lemon juice to the dark circles using your fingers or a small cotton ball. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Lemon is high in vitamin C, which helps to eliminate dark circles.

Q: How can I remove dark spots in 7 days?
A: You can try certain home remedies like applying ice or tea bags under your eyes to remove dark spots in a week. However, these home remedies produce temporary and less visible results. To permanently remove your dark circles, consult your dermatologist for a dermatologist-approved medical procedure for treating your dark circles.

Q: Does rubbing potato remove dark spots?
A: Applying raw potato juice or slices over your dark spots on a regular basis can aid in the removal of dark spots, freckles, and suntan. The presence of vitamin C, potassium, and other brightening agents in raw potatoes aids in the removal of dark spots and tanning.

Q: Can aloe vera remove dark circles?
A: Aloe vera may be effective in removing dark circles. Aloe vera is a tropical plant that is frequently used as a home remedy for treating dark circles. Although more research is required, it may improve your skin moisture, and reduce inflammation, all of which may aid in the treatment of dark circles.

Q: What deficiency causes dark circles?
A: The deficiency of vitamins B12, D, E, and K can cause dark circles. These vitamins are necessary for the regular healing of your skin. The absence of them can sunken your under-eye area and cause/aggravate your dark circles.

Q: What should I eat for dark circles?
A: You should eat lots of fruits like watermelon and papaya, beets, green vegetables and seeds for your dark circles. These fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals required for better blood circulation and fast skin healing.

Q: Why do I get dark circles when I sleep enough?
A: You can get dark circles if you are not getting quality sleep instead of quantity sleep. Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or staying up a few hours later than usual can result in dark circles under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can make your skin look dull and pale, revealing dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin.

Q: Does vitamin C help eye bags?
A: Yes, vitamin C helps in treating eye bags. It strengthens your skin and boosts collagen production that makes your skin more resilient and elastic. It also improves your circulatory system which reduces the swelling associated with dark circles.

Q: Does vitamin C get rid of eye bags?
A: Yes, vitamin C helps in getting rid of eye bags. Vitamin C strengthens the skin, which helps to prevent dark circles. It promotes the formation of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and resilient, and it is also necessary for the maintenance of a strong and healthy circulatory system.

Q: Can you massage away eye bags?
A: Massaging increases the blood circulation under your eyes, which reduces your swelling. This can help in getting rid of dark circles. However, massaging is not a permanent treatment for treating dark circles as the effects go away as soon as you stop massaging your under-eye area.

Q: How do you Depuff your eyes?
A: Apply ice wrapped up in a cloth under your eyes to depuff them. Cold compression can reduce your swelling by constricting the dilated blood vessels under your eyes. This will depuff your eyes quickly. However, this lasts only for a short period of time.

Q: Can coconut oil reduce dark circles?
A: Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties. If your dark circles are caused by bruising or skin damage, coconut oil may help your skin heal faster, reducing the appearance of your dark circles.

Q: How long does Dark Circles Reduction Treatment?
A: Dark Circles Reduction Treatment takes around one hour.

Q: Is Dark Circles Reduction Treatment is safe?
A: It is a non-invasive procedure which is perfectly safe. Our Cosmetologist will observe you to minimise the risk of any significant skin reaction.

Q: Is Dark Circles Reduction Treatment result is permanent?
A: Result will be amazing. Aging and atmospheric damage is ongoing process. So you need to take proper skin care and medication as may be prescribed by our cosmetologist for long lasting result.

Q: What does Dark Circles Reduction Treatment cost?
A: The cost of Dark Circles Reduction Treatment depends on how long it takes to carry out the procedure. For an estimate on how much a Dark Circles Reduction Treatment may cost or to arrange consultation call Alluremedspa on +91 9869041559. Call Allure medspa today on+91 9869041559 for further details on Dark Circles Reduction Treatment or ask us to call you back.

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