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Lip Fillers: Lip Augmentation Treatment in Mumbai

Leading Cosmetic dermatologist
Indian Board Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist

“Lips Enhancement Allure Facial feature and Improves Sensuality.”

  • Do you want to have a youthful appearance, but lack the volume of lips as thin lips are your concern?
  • Do you get conscious while wearing lipstick as bleeding lipstick becomes your problem?
  • Are you losing plumpness due to age and need some sort of treatment to achieve fullness?
  • Have you got fed up with homemade remedies and now seeking a subtle solution?

Lips are the visible part of the human body that is noticeable very first when someone looks at you. Lips are the most sensory zone that is considered as an erogenous part and plays a key role in intimacy and choosing a mate. Therefore, having an appealing lip is on anyone’s in demand list, but not everyone is blessed with alluring lips.

In view of making lip appealing, the doctor performs lip filler treatment to offer you the desired beauty and alluring attraction.

Many of us believe in inner beauty that is always reflected by behavior, skills, and expertise, but having outer beauty adds glory in our personality. The lips have been a topmost concern for the person looking for a makeover from inner to outer.

Related Blog: 5 Reasons To Consider For A Non-Surgical Lip Filler Treatment

What is Lip Filler?

The lip filler procedure is performed to offer fuller and plumper lips in order to increase the attraction of the facial profile. The lip filler has a key role in improving beauty and enhancing facial appeal with alluring lips.

It is performed to increase lip fullness through enlargement using fillers such as hyaluronic acid, fat, or implants. It is designed to reshape the upper lip to lend a more pleasing shape to the mouth by eliminating upper lip elongation. The lip filler procedure is specially performed to reshape the lip according to the patient’s present facial features, the available volume of the lips, and the needed elimination of lip elongation. However, only experts and experienced

A cosmetologist with board certifications is allowed to perform the lip filler procedure.

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Rating: 4.7
Time Required 20-30 Minutes
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Pain Level Very little
Hospital Stay Day Care
Flyback Very same day
Success Rate Very High

Lip Filler Treatment Benefits: reshaping, fuller lips, structue, shape and size

  • It helps in reshaping the upper lip in such a way that it gives a more pleasing presence
  • Lip filler improves the shape of the lip and is designed it according to the patient’s facial profile and expectations
  • It helps in altering the size, symmetry, and shape of your lip
  • Lip filler procedure helps in making the lips fuller & plumper
  • Fuller lips make a person more presentable and youthful
  • The surgery/procedure can be tailored according to the patient’s needs& expectations in terms of lip structure and design
  • Makes vertical lip lines smoother

  • Anyone can be a candidate of lip filler if they wish to redesign their structure and shape of lips and possess an aesthetic lip volume
  • Whose lips are naturally too thin
  • You should be in a good medical condition
  • You should stop smoking 2-3 weeks before & after the lip filler procedure
  • If you are under certain medical conditions, then it should be reviewed and controlled before performing the procedure.

Primary consultation has a prime role in deciding the procedure to have a lip filler as it helps in examining the condition and gives a lot of information concerning the treatment/procedure.

During your consultation be prepared to discuss the following:

  • Brief about your lifestyle, including diet habit and physical activity
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies, and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, fat burner, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
  • Your surgical/treatment goals, you can take your end goal (photographs for reference)
  • Previous medical record and surgical history.

Your Cosmetologist will also:

  • Evaluate the problem and needed area of the treatment concern
  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • May take photographs
  • Discuss your treatment options
  • Discuss attainable outcomes and any potential risks or complications.

It is good to make a list of important questions before proceeding for the consultative step.

There are two ways are considered for performing lip augmentation surgery concerning the alteration of size, shape, symmetry, and design of the present lip, i.e., surgical & non-surgical.

The Non-Surgical Procedure of Lip Filler:

The non-surgical procedure of a lip filler procedure is generally temporary and preferred in most cases due to the possibility of modification according to the patient’s needs and expectations.

The non-surgical procedure of lip augmentation Treatment includes the following:

  1. Injectable dermal fillers: The injectable dermal fillers are performed as an outpatient procedure. The lip areas where it is needed to inject the hyaluronic acid are firstly numbed by the topical numbing agent. Since hyaluronic acid is already present in the human body there is no chance of side effects. The areas around the mouth where fillers are needed to inject are firstly marked and then injections are given in order to achieve a fuller outcome. The lip fillers generally take 15-30 minutes to complete.

Lip fillers in Mumbai, India 

Benefits of Dermal fillers:

  1. It is an outpatient procedure takes only 15-30 minutes.
  2. The amount of fillers can be adjusted according to the expectation of the patients and facial profile
  3. Little to no downtime is needed
  4. Results are visible immediately after the procedure
  5. Final outcomes are achieved within 2 weeks
  6. No side effects.

Types of Lips& choose the style accordingly:

  • Classic:

Classic Lip fillersThe classic lip fillers is for those women who seek fillers for volume as lost the same due to aging. Individuals who choose a subtle fillers can go with the classic. It provides a distinctive formation for all the 5 planes of the lips.

  • Rubina:

Rubina lip ImplantsRubina lips are majorly dependent on the facial structure of women wanting the look. These lips are the full expression of natural 5 planes of the lips. If you have a wider face from the bottom of the nose to the chin, then these lips can be appealing.

  • Cupid:

Cupid Lip fillersThis is the rarest form of lips that enhances facial value by projecting strong cupid bow form. Adding volume to such lips enhances the sexual appeal and considered as the most desirable form of the lips.

  • Pearlique:

Pearlique Lip ImplantsThis style of lip accentuates the lower lip as it is opposite the cupid style. Since pearlique style is isolated to the lower lip, it can be combined with other looks. Pearlique lips complement Rubina and Cupid very well.

  • Hollywood:

Hollywood Lip fillersThe Hollywood style focuses on the full expression of the upper lips and little to no fillers on the lower lips. This lip style potential all three forms of upper lips.

  • Angelic:

Angelic Lip ImplantsAngelic lip style is another full expression of upper lips. This lip forms the potential of the lateral border of the upper lips. This is a pleasing form for the people with fuller volume in the upper lip combined with a narrow lip length.


Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve the appearance of your lips by adding:

  • Shape
  • Structure
  • Volume

How long do fillers last?

The result of lip fillers lasted for about 1 year. But, some patients might experience the result more than six months depends on their body’s metabolism. However, results of fillers significantly depends on the individual’s body metabolism rate.

Are lip fillers permanent?

No! It is not a permanent solution because fillers dissolve over time and your lip will go back to normal eventually. But, according to doctors,it is a fact that injecting your lips indirectly stimulates your own collagen production because of the trauma by the needle, so your lips could actually remain a bit larger after injections. So, it’s a Win-win decision to receive the filler injection.

Homemade Remedy: The homemade remedy for lip fillers includes the facial exercise like lip movement for pouty lips, lip-plumping products, i.e., lip balm & glosses, herbs & spices such as spearmint, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon are mild irritant used in producing natural lip balm for plumping lips. One can opt for homemade lip scrub to smoothen the dry & chapped lips as it can cause the lips to look thinner & older. The mixture of brown sugar & honey or coconut oil is a great homemade lip scrub exfoliates lip skin gently.

Some homemade remedies are applicable for making lips temporary plumped and volume full, but one should follow it regularly. Yet, it doesn’t offer you long-lasting results until you get the cosmetic treatment such fillers or fat injection.

To make the plump out your pout, bigger, and sexually appealing, it is good to follow some natural remedies in your schedule as follows:

Tinted Lip balm, gel, Gloss: The use of traditional lip plumpers, balm or gel temporarily gives the effect of volume full lip due to the added content of cinnamon, ginger mint, wintergreen, or capsicum. These are the factors of accelerating the blood flow to the lips resulting in mild swelling & redness. It gives temporary fullness that might last a couple of hours.

Massaging with Ice Cubes: Massage your lips with ice cubes and get fuller and plumper lips as it not only flakes off the dead cells but also improves blood circulation to the lips resulting in fuller and plumper pouts. And, also make sure that you don’t massage for more than 2 minutes.

Benefits of Homemade remedy for Lip fillers:

  1. It gives immediate results, however, subtle & temporary.
  2. It includes natural sources and why free from side effects.
  3. It is safe & performed easily at home
  4. It is a cost-effective option for one who wishes to get an immediate result for the time being.

The Surgical Procedure of Lip Augmentation:

Fat Injection/ Fat Grafting/ Fat Transfer: When a patient’s own fat is used for lip augmentation is called autologous lip augmentation. It is also an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. It gives a sustainable and subtle outcome as the result lasts for many years. It is an alternative to temporary/artificial lip fillers in which fat is generally harvested from the patient’s abdomen areas and after purification transferred into your lips. Fat grafting typically involves a liposuction procedure from a different part of the body without making any incision on the face or lips. It should only be performed by an expert plastic & cosmetic surgeon who has specialized training in the fat transfer/grafting procedure.

Benefits of Fat Injection Procedure:

  • It gives natural results
  • The result lasts for many years; once you received the final outcomes you get free from the repetition of the treatment
  • No incision is needed
  • Free from side effects.

Lip Implants: Lip implants are a permanent solution for those who are looking for a subtle solution for lip enhancement with minimal maintenance. Implants are made from silicone rubber or biodegradable substance that gives a more noticeable outcome in terms of an increased lip volume. The lip implants are performed by using a tinny incision under local anesthesia performed by experienced & specialized cosmetic surgeon. The implants are inserted via the incision in order to achieve the desired lip shape, symmetry, and volume.

Benefits of Lip Implants:

  • Results are permanent with many years
  • It takes less than 30 minutes to complete if performed by the expert surgeon
  • It leaves a virtually undetectable scar
  • Downtime is very short only 1-3 days.

Lip filler is a daycare procedure performed under local anesthesia that gives immediate results. Usually, normal routines may be resumed within a day. The results are both permanent and temporary depending on the chosen procedure or the way of the procedure. The fillers give temporary results for a time being, whereas implants offer you permanent results that last for many years.

  • Patients who choose fillers or temporary injectable needs multiple visits for the treatment, perhaps 1-2 times in a year to maintain the results.
  • Patients who choose implants will not need to be refreshed, as the material used for implants doesn’t absorb into the body and implant will not be dissipated over time.

 How Will You Get Recovered from Lip Filler?

  • The downtime of surgical lip filler is around 1 week
  • The scars will continue to improve by the next week of the procedure taken
  • The numbness in the area usually takes a month to resolve.

  • At Allure Medspa, Dr. Shweta, a renowned & reputed cosmetic dermatologist in Andheri West, Mumbai whose services happily satisfied thousands & thousands of patients, including many Bollywood celebrities
  • Allure Medspa has made redefining excellence by providing world-class services with her remarkable work being a cosmetic dermatologist, skin specialties, and aesthetic dermatologist.
  • Shweta has 15+ years of experience in cosmetic dermatology and is constantly upgrading their skills and staying abreast of the newest developments in lip filler. She wants to be able to offer the most natural and safest results to their lip filler patients.
  • Shweta gives special concern for the consultation process as it is a very individualized procedure that needs listening & understanding the case for every patient separately.
  • Shweta will also instruct you on how to prepare for surgery in order to achieve the best result, including guidelines on eating, drinking, and taking certain vitamins and medications.

  • At Allure Medspa, we have updated facilities and standard measure to control risk and complications associated with the procedure
  • We have a strong staff support system to follow up the patients after the procedure who take care of every concern of the patients
  • You will receive faster healing as we monitor every progress and recommend needed medications to control swelling, bruising, and infections followed by post-op measures
  • One will have a homely feeling at our hospital stay adhered to the standard facilities and care, including sterilization, fumigation, and advanced technology to operate the treatment/procedure.

The lip fillers cost depends on various factors in which the following are the mandatory inclusion:

  • Surgeon’s Fee
  • Anesthetist fees
  • Medicines/consumables during surgery
  • Hospital facility &stay
  • Technology used
  • Immediate post-operative follow-ups

Following are the factors that are NOT included in the cost determination:

  • Preoperative fitness test
  • Post-operative medications (to be taken at home) After the lip fillers Treatment
  • Rare and unforeseen health circumstances experienced by the patients
  • Insurance doesn’t cover the lip fillers cost as the finance service provider doesn’t assist you in planning cosmetic surgeries.

How various Factors affect the cost of Lip Augmentation Surgery?

Patient’s Profile: The patient’s profile includes the need for the surgical procedure, either it would be an upper lip, the lower lip or both. On the other hand, the lip structure & texture general health of the patient as well as the goal of your surgery influences the cost of the procedure.

Surgeon’s Profile: The board-certified surgeon is firstly counted for the cosmetic procedure, especially the lip augmentation surgery. The M Ch, MS, and MBBS surgeon who has expertise in performing lip augmentation surgery and recognized by various national & international cosmetic centres, i.e., ASPS, ISAPS, weigh the cost of the procedure.

Anesthetist Charge: Anesthesiologist makes your surgery painless and monitors your vital parameters during surgery and his expertise is important for the safety of the surgery.

The Infrastructure of the centre: It is always important to choose the accredited centre rather than the daycare centres as it can assure you about safe and successful lip augmentation surgery. NABH accredited centre is counted as the best centre/clinic that confirms the safety & hygiene associated with the surgical procedure. Operation theater equipped with the monitoring machine, the level of sterilization and the high-end instruments and cutting-edge technology like advanced implants used for the procedure accelerates the cost of the procedure.

Hospital Stay: The facilities of in-suite room, cleanliness & hygiene, as well as hygiene staff support system, weighs the cost.

Medicines: Medicines include anesthesia, surgical medicine, disposable and consumables.

Follow-ups: The required session of follow-ups after the lip augmentation surgery may increase the cost of the procedure.

Note: Most health insurance plans do not cover lip augmentation surgery or its complications, but many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask.

Q: How long do Lip filler last?

Ans: It depends on your chosen method that how long it lasts. Mostly, fillers like dermal fillers last for 6-7 months require repetition of the treatment.

Q: What is used for lip filler?

Ans: When the non-surgical procedure is done, hyaluronic acid is used as a filler for the augmentation known as a dermal filler.

Q: When will I be able to see results?

Ans: The results of lip augmentation are immediate, whether it is performed by fillers or implants. Generally, the healing period lasts for 1-2 weeks in terms of swelling & bruising and thereafter the ultimate results are seen clearly.

Q: Does lip Fillers hurt?

Ans: It is a minimum invasive procedure in case of implantation and non-invasive for fillers. Although injection and incisions are involved causing a bit of pain as an effect of normal physical response, is very common. However, local anesthesia is applied otherwise it is painless.

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