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Effective Face & Skin Chemical Peeling Treatment in Mumbai

Leading Cosmetic dermatologist
Indian Board Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist

The concept of peeling the skin is not a recent practice. It has been done since ancient times to improve the texture of the skin, to smoothen, and beautify it. With developing science, we now know why Cleopatra used sour milk, (contains lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid) while French women used old wine containing tartaric acid, all to enhance the appearance of their skin. But you don’t have to be Cleopatra to get the same glow up!

Chemical peeling is a very common office-based procedure in which the superficial layer of skin is peeled off with the help of chemicals agents, exfoliating the entire dead cell layer and other lesions with it and stimulating new cell growth, giving that fresh natural younger-looking look. This practice has evolved over the years, using the scientific knowledge of wound healing after controlled chemical skin injury. In the era of newer techniques and lasers, peeling has stood the test of your time as an easy procedure, requiring hardly any instrumentation to rejuvenate the skin.

Related Blog: Choosing the right Chemical Peel for Your Skin

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  • Chemical peeling is a simple office procedure used for the treatment of dyschromia, photoaging, and superficial scarring that can lead to excellent cosmetic improvement when repeatedly performed on patients.
  • Peels are also indicated for various lesions such as acne, acne scars, melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, photoaging, and seborrhoea.
  • It is simple, inexpensive, quick, painless, and has no downtime.
  • Peels are a great way to reduce or eliminate the dark spots on your face (depigmentation) and unifying the skin tone and enhancing skin radiance.
  • Peels can help maintain the general appearance and health of the skin. They also have great anti-aging benefits as they can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by boosting the skin’s elasticity and plumpness, and slowing down the breakdown of natural collagen.

Peels are ideal if you want to rejuvenate, hydrate and refresh your complexion as peels increase blood circulation and stimulate the production of new skin cells.

Chemical Peels were traditionally done on facial surfaces only, but it’s only natural that we should extend this peeling power to the rest of our body. Full-body peels certainly bring the same amazing results as facial peels, treating the skin on our body is a bit different than treating the skin on our face. That’s because there’s an entire another set of skin issues with the skin on our arms, legs, and décolletage. Plus, the skin on the body is typically dryer and thicker than the skin on our face.

  • Chemical peels for face

    – used for treating skin lesions or for just general improvement of skin quality.

  • Chemical peels for arms and legs-

    These kinds of skin peels are particularly useful for smoothing out sandpapery, wintery skin on the knees and elbows.

  • Chemical peels for rough scaly skin

    – If you’ve developed stubborn bumps and marks in your bikini area after years of shaving, a peel with lactic acid — a crucial part of the so-called “bikini facial” — can help to smooth the area.

  • Chemical peels for body acne

    Body acne can also be treated with peels that can help in unclogging pores and get rid of pimple-causing dead cells.

  • Chemical peels for chest wrinkles

    – The thin skin on the chest is a prime locale for fine lines and wrinkles. Too a years of sun exposure leave skin fragile, dry, and droopy.
    The key to soft, elastic skin is to go for a skin-brightening and tightening peel.

  • Chemical peels for stretch marks

    – While chemical peels won’t erase your stretch marks — you’ll want to consider abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, or laser treatments for that — they will help to smooth out your skin and make some discoloration less noticeable.

  • Chemical peels for dark spots

    – If you’ve got dark marks on your body, some acid peels have a lightening effect and can be used to even out dark spots on the body.

Anyone who suffers from the following issues is a right candidate for peel:

  • Pigmentary disorders (melasma, freckles, hyperpigmentation, etc.)
  • Acnes
  • Dark spots
  • Rough skin texture
  • Tanning
  • Photoaging
  • Wrinkles
  • Superficial scars
  • Dilated pores
  • Skin growths like warts

Peels are not just limited to these indications. It can be done on perfectly healthy individuals also for general maintenance and hydration of the skin.

Peels have famously opted for its variety of applications with limitations and side effects. However, being chemical in nature, it does come with the same caution. Uses of chemical peels are not indicated in:

  • Active bacterial, viral, fungal, or herpetic infection
  • Open wounds
  • H/O (history of) drugs with photosensitizing potential
  • Pre-existing inflammatory dermatoses such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis
  • Uncooperative patient (patient is careless about sun exposure or application of medicine)
  • Patient with unrealistic expectations.
  • For medium depth and deep peels-history of abnormal scarring, keloids, atrophic skin, and isotretinoin use in the last six months.

Proper patient selection, adequate counseling, priming the skin, and supportive medical therapy in addition to good intra- and postoperative care, are essential for satisfactory cosmetic results.

We recognize the importance of understanding each of your specific needs, and our number one priority is helping you choose the most effective treatment for your skin concerns. No two faces are exactly alike; therefore, no two treatments are exactly alike. Dr. Shweta has an eye for what makes every client agelessly beautiful, and her custom-built treatments accommodate each patient’s unique needs.

In the consultation, a complete history will be taken which includes general medical history, degree of sun exposure, history of herpes simplex, a tendency for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, current medications, any previous surgical treatment, immune compromising conditions, and smoking (may delay healing in deep peels; this is not relevant for superficial peels).

This will then be followed by a detailed skin assessment which includes cutaneous examination including skin type, degree of photoaging, degree of sebaceous activity (oily or dry skin), presence of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scar, infection, and pre-existing inflammation.

Proper consultation is very important and it includes:

  • Evaluation of the psychological aspects to judge the motivation and expectations of the patient.
  • An explanation that the patient should have realistic expectations; this is particularly important in the media-hyped patient who may have unrealistic expectations.
  • Explanation about the nature of treatment expected outcome. It is advisable to downplay the degree of improvement expected.
  • Information about the time taken for recovery of normal skin and the importance of maintenance regimens.
  • Discussion of side effects, likely and unlikely complications, and particularly, pigmentation changes.

Since peels are used for a variety of purposes, there are numerous types of peels that can be described. According to the depth of the skin layer involved, peels can be:

  • Very superficial light peels
  • Superficial light peels
  • Medium depth peels
  • Deep peels

On the basis of the main chemical agent used, peels can also be further classified as below:

  • GLYCOLIC PEEL: Glycolic acid peel is the most common alpha-hydroxy acid peel, also known as fruit peel. Proper patient selection, peel timing, and neutralization on-time will ensure good results, with no side effects. It is often used as a really superficial peel or maybe a medium depth peel. It has been found to be very safe with all skin types.
  • SALICYLIC PEEL: Being a fat attractive agent and having an ability to concentrate in the skin layer, SA peels are a good therapeutic option for acne, and can be a good treatment option for treating open and closed pores, redness, and hyperpigmentation. The use of SA in the treatment of photo aging and acne has been proved very beneficial in patients with all skin types.
  • RETINOL PEEL (YELLOW PEEL): A retinol peel is a skin peel that can help maintain the general appearance and health of skin; they are particularly effective on acne-prone skin and have great anti-aging benefits as retinol can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Due to its small molecular size, retinol (a type of Vitamin A) is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of your skin to encourage new skin cell growth. A retinol peel also canhelp unclog your pores and reduce acne outbreaks by allowing the cleansed skin to heal.

A retinol peel is right if you would like to rejuvenate, hydrate and refresh your complexion. If you’ve got more specific skin concerns including acne or aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles, then a retinol peel might be the right solution for you to scale back symptoms.

What are the most benefits of a Retinol Peel?

After a retinol peel, your skin are going to be hydrated and feel more balanced thanks to the increased number of fresh skin cells now on the surface of your skin. Acne flare-ups will be calmed and symptoms reduced.

This treatment is also fantastic for anti-aging and can minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, boosting the skin’s elasticity and plumpness, and slowing down the breakdown of natural collagen.

  • CARBON PEELS: It’s used primarily by people with oily skin, acne, and enlarged or clogged pores. This treatment is additionally beneficial if you’re beginning to see the consequences of sun damage to your skin.

What are the benefits of a laser carbon peel?

Laser carbon peels deeply exfoliate the skin. They also help stimulate collagen production. Laser carbon peels use heat instead of chemicals for results and require no down time for the results to show. They are also a very good option for sensitive skin types as people generally experience less redness after going for this peel.

  • TCA PEEL: TCA peels are cosmetic treatments that use trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to improve your skin’s appearance. A TCA peel works by removing dead somatic cell s and stimulating new skin cell growth.
  • LACTIC PEEL: Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid, that’s essentially sour milk, used to produce smooth skin by exfoliating dead skin cells and balance your skin’s PH level. It is also called a Party peel.

This helps to extend collagen production, which smooths fine lines and minimizes pore size for more youthful-looking skin. Since it locks moisture inside skin cells, it makes a great peel for normal to dry skin.

The cost of peels depends on the type of peels done like Glycolic peel can be Rs. 1,500 per session, acne-free peel Rs. 2000 per session, Retinol peel Rs. 4000 per session, Skin lightening peel Rs. 40,000 per session.

Allure Medspa which is renowned for its state-of-the-art internationally acclaimed services offers affordable and cost-effective cosmetic procedures. To know more about the cost of your procedure, request a consultation by filling the form below. Your consultation is your chance to ask questions about skin peeling treatments and put your mind at rest. Our surgeons and cosmetologists are going to be there to supply full explanations and answers to all or any of your queries.

Alternatively, our Counsellor will call you at a convenient time. Request a consultation right away:  +91–9869041559

If you are experiencing skin-related concerns, contact us today and set up a personalized consultation to see what chemical peel is the right choice to help you achieve the results you desire.

Pre-procedure treatment (Priming): 

Priming is essential for at least 2-4 weeks prior to the procedure. Priming helps to reduce wound healing time, facilitates uniform penetration of peeling agents, detects any allergic reactions, and reduces the risk of complications.

  1. Control any active infection or pre-existing lesions.
  2. Broad-spectrum sunscreens.
  3. Hydroquinone (2-4%) in patients prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

The choice of the priming agent depends on the individual physician′s preference and individualized patient requirements.

In patients with a history of herpes simplex, antiviral therapy with acyclovir or famciclovir is recommended, beginning two days prior to the procedure.


  1. Sensitive areas like the inner part of the eyes and fold around the nose are protected with Vaseline.
  2. The peeling agent is then applied either with a brush or cotton-tipped applicator or gauze.
  3. The chemical is applied quickly on the entire face, beginning from the forehead, then the right cheek, nose, left cheek, and chin in that order. Feathering strokes are applied at the edges to blend with the surrounding skin and prevent demarcation lines.
  4. For glycolic acid peels, the peel is neutralized after the predetermined duration of time (usually three minutes). Neutralization is done with 10-15% sodium bicarbonate solution or neutralizing lotion and then, washed off with water.
  5. For TCA peels, the end-point is frosting and neutralization is either with a neutralizing agent or cold water, starting from the eyelids and then the entire face.
  6. When the salicylic acid peel is applied, it crystallizes, forming a pseudo-frost; generally, 1-3 coats are applied to get an even frost. It is then washed with water after 3-5 minutes.
  7. Jessner′s solution is applied in 1-3 coats to get even frosting; the endpoint is erythema or even frosting.
  8. The skin is gently dried with gauze and the patient is asked to wash with cold water until the burning subsides. The face is patted dry; rubbing should be avoided.
  9. Tretinoin peels are yellow peels that are left on for 8-10  hours and then washed away.
  10. Very superficial peels may be repeated every 1-2 weeks and superficial peels every 2-4 weeks.

Post Peel Care:

  • In the post-peel period, edema, erythema, and desquamation occur. In superficial peels, this lasts for 1-3 days, whereas in deeper peels, it lasts for 5-10 days.
  • Mild soap or a non-soap cleanser may be used. If there is crusting, a topical antibacterial ointment should be used to prevent bacterial infection.
  • Clear instructions must be given to the patient for the post-procedure period.
  • Cold compresses or calamine lotions may be used to soothe the skin.
  • They should be told to use broad-spectrum sunscreens and only bland moisturizers until peeling is complete.
  • They should avoid peeling or scratching the skin.
  • Painkillers are not usually needed but may be advised in case of burning sensation.

The result of peels is often dependent on your purpose of going for that peel. Some may show immediate visible results, while others may wait till the redness goes away and the new skin cells are there.

It takes around 2-3 weeks for the new skin cells to form and start functioning. The full results of peel are usually visible after the full healing of skin layers occurs.  It will take longer for you to see the results after a medium or deep chemical peel.

One must note that the results are only visible if post-peel care is well taken care of and strictly adhered to. Peels are multi-visit processes, so for having that perfect radiating skin, you might need to book multiple appointments in some time interval, which would be discussed in detail in your consultation.

Recovery time varies depending on which chemical peel you received as follows:

Light chemical peels

Recovery time is about four to seven days. Your skin may temporarily be lighter or darker.

Medium chemical peels

Your skin will recover about five to seven days after a medium chemical peel, though you may have redness that can persist for some time. Your skin will initially swell, and then form crusts and brown blotches before revealing new skin.

Deep chemical peels

Deep chemical peels can cause significant swelling and redness, with burning or throbbing sensations. It’s common for the eyelids to swell shut. It will take about two weeks for the new skin to develop, though white spots or cysts may last some weeks. It’s common for the redness to last for some time.

During recovery, follow your doctor’s post op instructions faithfully. They’ll offer you specific instructions for a way often to scrub your face and moisturize, and which products you ought to use to try to so. Attempt to stay out of the sun until your skin has healed, and avoid using makeup or other cosmetics until your doctor gives you the go-ahead. You’ll use ice packs for 20 minutes at a time, or a cool fan, to assist relieves discomfort reception.

The best thanks to avoid complications is to spot patients in danger and use lighter peels. Adequate counselling of the patient and proper priming of the skin also helps significantly in reducing the chances of developing complications.

The deeper the peel, the greater is the risk of complications. The patients at risk are those with a history of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, heavy occupational exposure to sun such as field workers, and patients with a history of sensitive skin who are unable to tolerate sunscreens, etc.

Although quite rare, but chemical peels do carry a risk of developing a complication as follows:

  • Pigmentary changes: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. These can be very persistent and often difficult to treat. They may be treated with broad-spectrum sunscreens, topical corticosteroids, etc.
  • Infection: It could be bacterial, viral (Herpes simplex), or fungal (Candida). They should be treated aggressively and appropriately.
  • Scarring is rare in superficial peels. Proper priming, proper choice of peeling agent, and postoperative care can help in the prevention of this complication.
  • Allergic reactions
  • Acne i form eruptions
  • Lines of demarcation
  • Textural changes
  • Persistent erythema: Redness persisting for more than three weeks after a peel, is indicative of early scarring and should be treated with potent topical corticosteroids for almost 2 weeks.
  • Toxicity: Although rare, it may occur with resorcinol, salicylic acid, and phenol.

For a procedure that has such a variety of applications, a qualified and experienced doctor is required to understand your concern and customize a treatment plan which satisfies your needs and fulfil your expectations also.

For choosing a doctor fit for your purpose, you should look for the following points:


  1. The physician should be a trained dermatologist.
  2. The physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, including structural and functional differences and variations in skin anatomy.


  1. The physician should have appropriate training in chemical peeling either during post-graduation or later at a center that routinely provides education and training in cutaneous surgery.
  2. The physician should have knowledge of the basic chemistry of peels, such as acids, bases, pH, and pK a of peeling solutions and the mechanism of action of peels. Familiarity with the properties of every peeling agent to be used is critical for a successful outcome.
  3. The physician should know all aspects of the mechanism of wound healing after chemical skin injury.
  4. The physician should be well versed with all aspects of the condition/lesion to be peeled, such as melasma, acne, photodamage, etc.
  5. The physician should be well versed with early recognition, prevention, and treatment of postoperative complications such as prolonged erythema, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, impending scarring, etc.

Apart from the technical knowledge and expertise, one must go with that doctor with whom you feel the most comfortable, one who takes time to listen to your concerns, one who is empathetic and is dedicated to making your experience as memorable as possible.

The cost of peels depends on the type of peels done like Glycolic peel can be Rs. 1,500 per session, acne-free peel Rs. 2000 per session, Retinol peel Rs. 4000 per session, Skin lightening peel Rs. 40,000 per session.

Allure Medspa which is renowned for its state-of-the-art internationally acclaimed services offers affordable and cost-effective cosmetic procedures. To know more about the cost of your procedure, request a consultation by filling the form below. Your consultation is your chance to ask questions about skin peeling treatments and put your mind at rest. Our surgeons and cosmetologists are going to be there to supply full explanations and answers to all or any of your queries.

Alternatively, our Counsellor will call you at a convenient time. Request a consultation right away:  +91–9869041559

If you are experiencing skin-related concerns, contact us today and set up a personalized consultation to see what chemical peel is the right choice to help you achieve the results you desire.

Q. Will a chemical peel help my skin?

Ans: It is a procedure that rejuvenates the skin. Most individuals find benefits from the application of glycolic acid. In almost all cases, patients will notice an improved vitality of skin.

Q. What are chemical peels used for?

Ans: It is used for the treatment of photo-aging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne, precancerous lesions, and discoloration (including melasma, freckles, and age spots).

Q. How long do chemical peels take?

Ans: Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Q. Can I go right back to work?

Ans: In most cases, work or other normal activities may be resumed immediately.

Q. Is a chemical peel painful?

Ans: No. There is a mild degree of “tingling” or a slightly itchy sensation while the glycolic acid is in contact with the skin. Upon neutralizing the peel, the skin feels fresh and smooth without discomfort.

Q. Can I go out into the sun after having a chemical peel?

Ans: You may go outside, but sunscreen must be worn for at least a few days after the peel as your skin will likely be a little more sensitive to sun exposure.

Q. What should I use at home to maintain the condition of my skin after a chemical peel?

Ans: You can use a mild cleanser and always include sunscreen application in your day-to-day. You may resume regular skincare 3-5 days after the treatment or once redness or peeling is no longer apparent.

Q. What does skin peels cost?

Ans: The cost of the treatment depends on how long it takes to carry out the procedure. For an estimate on how much a Skin Peels Treatment may cost or to arrange a consultation call Allure Medspa on +91 22 26732961/62/63.Call Allure Medspa today on +91 22 26732961/62/63 for further details on Chemical Peeling Treatment or ask us to call you back.

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